nedjelja, 27. prosinca 2009.

BATTLE ON THE SLIVER LAKE - A new friend or foe ?

«Did you hear that?» Pyron asked
«Yeah...» I answered. «We must go Pyron.»
But sudanlly he turns dark and jumps on me. «Ah!» I scream. He scratches me with his claw. «Where is she ?» I got angry too. «I....dont...KNOOOW!» I also turn dark and push him off of me. We looked at each other. After a few moments Pyron sits down and turns normal again. When I saw that I came closer to him. He looks at me confused. I turn normal again. «Whats happening to me ?» Pyron asked. «It seems to me that you cant handle your fear and emotions.» I answered « did you...?» «I happen to be much more stronger and powerfull then you are Red...I can control it,but your weak Pyron,so the gift,the power that you have...Controls you....Hm!»
«Oh boy...quit being a show of...» Pyron sad
«Whats a matter Pyron? Cant handle a competition?»
«Shes got a are weaker then she is...hahaha!» Dark Pyron
«Shut it...» Pyron sad.
«Your just jelouse cause a girl kicked your....»
before I could finish, something exploded.
«AH! What was that ?» I ask
everything got quiet. We get closer to eachother and we listen. We stay there for a couple of minutes.
«Pyron....» I whispered to him.
«What is it ?»
«I felt the earth move...»
we look at eachother. Sudanlly huge machine comes out of the ground. We fly away. «What is that thing ?!» I yell. «I dont know ! I never seen that before in my life!» Pyron answered. «Well whatever it has Buraki written all over it !»
«You got that right!»
«Lets fly above!» I sad. Pyron agreed. We heared bombs exploding.
As soon as we got above the forest we saw our friends and other crew members fighting againts Burakis machines. «Oh no...» Pyron was in shock. «We are unprepared!» he sad. We turn around to see the machine that came from under the ground. It got higher and higher. That was the biggest one yet. «Oh no Pyron,we should help them,look its Nera!» Nera was fighting againts 10 little machines. «What are those things?!» Pyron asked. «Those are the latest creation,Jumpers.» Jumpers are the meanest,most annoying and most dangerous little creeps. They are pack hunters.
We landed where Lagon was. «Lagon wheres Angel?» Pyron asked. «I dont know!» he answered and continued to fight. «OH no....» he sad «Anakin!» we saw Anakin fighting a death hound. Black machines shaped as a dog. Pyron burns down the machine with his fire. «Thanks Pyron...but I really could hanle him...» sad Anakin. «Nevermind that,this is importaint! Wheres Angel?» he asked. «I dont know! Im sorry I really dont know where she is...» Pyron was getting worried. I could see in his eyes. «Hey little lady...» Someone greeted me. «Who are you?» the gray dragon was smiling. «Well,I am Clayd.» he looks at me with his green eyes. «I know you...your the greates assassin who ever lived.» I sad. «Haha,yeah.» He smiled again,and came closer. But I moved away. He was scary. «Hey,you! What are you doing here ?» Pyron came. «Hm...Pyron is it ?» Clayd asked. « I that famouse?» Pyron sad. I could see he was angry. «Haha,your a funny guy Pyron. You know...theres a bounty set on you and your blue girlfriend...»
«Do what you want with me,but if you hurt Gana...I will...» Pyron didnt finish the sentace,Clayd punched him in the face. «Hahahaha! Grrrrrrr!»
«That...was a mistake...» Pyron sad
«You...are a mistake Pyron. But the good news is,I never came here to kill you...specially not the beautyfull lady over there,if I came here for that purpose,you would be dead allready.» he sad. «Now what makes you believe that?» Pyron asked. «If Clayd wants you dead,your dead.» I answered. Pyron looked at me. Then looks back at Clayd. «So...Clayd eh?» Clayd nods «Why are you here then?» «I came here just to make friends.» he sad,and made an agry look at Pyron. A machine came behind him,but he turns around and destroys it in a second.
«I will hurt you...» Pyron is getting angry.
«Hahaha...» Clayd laughs «Bring it....»

petak, 25. prosinca 2009.

THE SNAKE GODDESS "A magic went wrong"

I was crying. My heart was broken and now,my little Angel is without a father. We returned to Ember. Everyone got up as soon as I entered the hall. «Gana are you okay?» Cynder asked. «Wheres Pyron?» I cryed again and walked to my room. Cynder turns to Spyro and the others. «Oh no...dont you think he...» everyone was quiet. Angel was there sitting next to Nera. She was confused. «Wheres my dad ?» she askes. «» Cynder starts. «Hes not gonna come yet,Angel. He decided to come later...» I say. « promice ?» I breathe in and out. «Yes my dear. I promice. Now,go get some sleep.» «But mom Im not tired.» she was consistent «I sad now Angel!» I rased the tone of my voice. She listened to me and went to bed. Lagon comes up to me «What happened Gana?» I was getting angry «Nothing happened!» I yell. My eyes turn red. Lagon and the others were in shock. My eyes turn normal again. «Hm!» I turn around and walk away. I know I have to save him. «Wheres your mate now ?» That was Jane. «Where were you?» I ask. «Not importaint...seriously you dont wanna know. So whats your plan Goddess?» she called me Goddess? «Um..I have no idea.» we were quiet for a moment. Then I got an idea «Maybe if we call out the chronicler. He can maybe help us.» Jane was quiet. «OK here we go...» «Wait!» Jane stoped me. «I know what to do...we have to find Gana...» «Who?» «Gana...another Gana I mean. Snake goddess from aboriginal mythology. She can turn us into one dragon that can defeat the evil inside of Pyron and turn him back to a normal dragon.» wow,she was smart. «OK,where is she ?» Jane smiles «Follow me lady» so I did. We went to the Island of Eingana,that means One Gana. And we are about to disapoint her. «Lets land here.» Says Jane and we land infront of a castle. I look around. Everything was blue and gray. There were fish,flying. I have to get used to it. We enter a big hall. In it there was a huge snake sculpture with big green eyes «I suppose thats her?» I say. Jane didnt answer. She opens a big door and we enter. The Snake Goddess turns and looks at us. «Ssssso,it sseemssss that I am not the only Gana here. I ssssaw you coming misssss. But for ssssome reason I cant read your mind. Sssso I have to asssk you: Why are you here?» she was very big and she kinda reminded me of....Buraki. «We are here to ask you for your help» Jane answeres «We have a friend in danger that has been corrupted by evil,and we wanted to ask you if you could turn us into one dragon with the power to destroy the darkness.» the Snake Goddess was silent. She was looking me in the eyes. Like she was trying to read me. «Hmmm,I sssssee....but there issss only one problem.» she says «What problem?» I ask. «If I use my magic on someone of pure heart and soul,he may be curssssed forever with it.» I *gulp* «....I usually read my guestsss,but....» she comes closer to me «....I cant read you. Letss see if my friend can affect you. Alec ?» she calls someone. Another door opens and a smaller snake enters the hall. « it» she says. Alec rised up and says a very familliar sentace: «This may hurt just a little....» I start shaking. Alec looked at me. His eyes shined yellow,with his cold voice he sad «Pain». I was afraid. I looked around,nothing was happening. Alec was still looking at me but I cant feel anything. «Haha!» The Snake Goddess laughed. Alec stopped looking at me. He seemed very disapointed. «It semsss that not only my mind powerssss dont affect you,girl.» she says «OK enough of this...will you help us or not?» Snake Goddess looks at Jane. «Hmmm...but you musssst not reveal my secret,ssspecially not to that old fool Buraki. The easssy way to kill the world is to kill me.» I was confused «What is she talking about Jane?» I ask «She is the creator goddess and also goddess of death. If she dies, so does the entire world.» I was shocked. «Dont worry we wont.» The Goddess looked at us sceptik «Hmm...very well. I must asssk you thissss... are you ready to take the rissssk of the curssse and go to ssssave your friend ?» Jane and I look at eachother. «Yes....» we answer. «Very well,come with me.» so we followed Gana outside. She turns around «Stop...» so we did. «You wont feel a thing...I hope.» she says «You hope?» Jane asks «I cant read you so itss hard to tell from the outsssside if you will survive....» «Survive...Jane?!» I was in shock. «Now remember,turn ME into her...» The Goddess sad something in a wieard language. Sudanlly shadow creatures appear and circle around me and Jane. They move faster and faster. Jane and I start floating. Soon I feel pain and I scream. «AAAAAAAAAAAAaaah!» It hurts. Like someone is cutting me in pieces. Jane was above me she wasnt screaming. She wasnt in pain. Soon she was glowing in dark. She looks at me with her white bright eyes and roars. The pain was worse now. I scream and look down. My tail was breaking appart,then my legs,my belly and soon my whole body transfered into Jane. The Goddess stopped the magic. I became Jane: black,with bright white eyes and shadow was around me. I was floating. «I knew thisss would happen...» The Goddess spoke. «Go and find your missing friend...» she sad to me. I fly away in great speed and reach Cassandras lair. I saw the werewolfs. «Whos that?» Paul ask «We dont know» I was falling down in great speed and I landed like a meteor hit Earth. All of the wolves fall. I saw the doors and I ran towards it. The doors broke I enter the hall where Pyron was and Cassandra. «What is this?» Cassandra was in shock. I say with my evil voice «Im your worst nightmare!» «Kill her!» she orders. Pyron ran towards me but I slow down time and attack him,bit him and hurt him very bad all over his body in 5 seconds. Pyron crashed down,he turns red and looks at me. «Who...are you?» he asks. I didnt answer,instead I look at him angry. Soon he faints. «You killed my dragon! I will kill you!» Cassandra ran towartds me. I turn around and burn her to death with my shadow fire. Finally its over and I grab Pyron and take him to a forest. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. «Gah! Who are you? OUCH!» he was in pain and shock «I am sorry, I had to do this. I had to save you Pyron,and now I am paying it with my sould,as long as your safe,everyone is...» I say and turn to normal look. «Gana?!» «No...its Jane...» she says. «Wheres Gana??» «I....I...» Jane didnt know what to say. «Jane I will....I will...oh!» Pyron was afraid if had lost me. «Where could she be?» soon a very familiar voice says:
«She is here with me...hahahahaha!»

srijeda, 11. studenoga 2009.


Night. I woke up I couldnt sleep. Pyron was missing,I was very worried. Sometimes at night I feel hungry,just want to eat something. Or even someone. Yes,I am very scary sometimes. I dont know where Jane is,whats shes doing or whats happening to her. She mite be dead. Or not? I just keep asking myself the same things over and over,and I never get the right answer. Eversince I got Anakins body, I don't feel,evil,
that much. Maybe its just chilling down,I couldnt remember the last time I was furyous. I got to Angels hut. She was sleeping alone? Wheres Anakin? I start to smell. The sent leads outside the city. I have to go find him,the machines are better hunters in the dark. I got outside. The moonlight blinded me,it was a clear night sky. I look up. Gana: «Oh! Full moon.» I...fear...the full moon. I just dont like it. The sent was leading to a cave. Then sudanlly Burakis Hunter Killer and Aerostats chase me. I was runing,not towards the city,I dont wanna lead them to the others,but towards a cliff. What a fool...I was running and I look behind. HK and Aerostats were shooting at me. While I was runing,the ground beneth my feet was gone. The chilled wind was blowing,I opened my eyes and I realised: I am falling. I fell of the cliff. This time I have no wings and I am gonna be guilty for killing my soul and Anakins body,I am sorry. Gana: «Oh no! HK!» The Hunter Killer grabs me. While he grabbed me I hit the edge of the cliff with my head at high speed. I was bleeding,I passed out. The Hunter Killer put me in a cage and broth my to the enemy heatquartes,for now that is Burakis factory thats making all those robotic monsters. I woke up on a bed,chained up. I was wearing some kind of hat. I look around,on the right side there were Burakis soilder machines,they were like a metal human skeleton,and oh those red eyes. When he looks back at you thats the most terrifying thing that was created,ever. If they could kill by only looking at you,you'd be dead in a second. On my left side I saw Anakin,with my body. I tryed to call him but he was fast asleep. Sudanlly the doors open and the scientists eneter the room,alongside the stupid trator that Im gonna be happy to kill,Flame,and Buraki. That was a dragon. Machine underneeth,that had a dragons heart and blood and brains. Now I know his weak spot. Buraki: «Hahaha! Well,look who it is,yet again.Hahaha.» he was laughing becouse I am in his lab for like 10 000th time. I didnt laugh, I was getting angry,but this time I am not releasing Jane out of me. Gana: «Hahaha» I laughed sarcastic «Laugh all you want Buttfaceraki! We will see whos laughing the last,laughs the best.» Buraki: «Hmm....Bring me the injection.» I assumed he was talking to Flame,but he was busy looking at Anakin,who was still asleep. Buraki: «FLAME! NOW!» he nods and goes to the other room to get the drugs. Gana: «Nice...ok you got me now Buraki,do what you want,I will die anyways...I just dont care anymore. I was lieing to Pyron this whole time,if I stay alive I am gonna be lieing to him the rest of my life. So theres allways gonna be a burdon I have to carry. Its slavery to watch out for ur blood pressure and nerves and trying to not get very angry by each day. And I dont want that.» Buraki: «Well...why dont you just tell him the truth then?» Gana: «.....well...I choose death. Cause careing that old witchy curse is very very tiering for me now...» Buraki: «Curse? Nonono...Gana you have been given a power. Power to be 2 at once! And now you are trying to erase that? No you cant do that. Join me Gana and you and I will rule the world. Be the most powerfull dragons! I the king and you,my dear queen...what say you?» I was looking at him. Like I was thinkng. And I was thinking about how am I gonna rip him to pieces when I find a way to escape. I was now very angry,but no cool. Gana: «Wow thats an offer. But how am I gonna be your queen,in the body of a fox?» Buraki: «Its all taken care of,Flameee! Wheres that bloody drug?!?!» Flame: «Here it is,sir!» Gana: «Wha...whats that for?» Buraki: «To slow down your heart beat. When it does,you will be sleepy,and then we can switch back your souls.» Oh what a releaf. He gave me and Anakin the drug and our souls returned to our bodyes. Gana: «Finally!» Anakin: «Are we done?» Buraki: «Haha...good,now throw him in the dungeon!» Anakin: «What?! NOO! Gana!» Gana: «Shut up prisioner and enjoy your stay,I hope the bed is gonna be comfortable. Oh dont have a bed. Hahahah» we all laugh. Anakin was shocked,spechless. Flame: «Great! Gana is here on our side,shes a very powerfull dragoness sir.» Buraki: «I know,Flame.» we went to Burakis great hall. There was a big tv screen. He listed programms until he came to the lair of the witch named Cassandra. Buraki: «Now...see» he sad to me. I was looking at the screen,then I saw Pyron and a Griffinflying from the wolves. Buraki: «Now,they die.» I was shaking,I started to cry. Gana: «NOOOOOOOO!» I unleash a fury and the entire 5th floor colapses. I go to the dungeon and rescue Anakin. Anakin: «Oh my God,for a second there I thought you are being serious in joining him» Gana: «Dont be stupid.» I fly away towards Cassandras lair. Gana: «I have to stop them,before they hurt Pyron!!» Anakin: «Oh,Pyron is in danger...again?» Gana: «Yes,and he is in Cassandras lairs. I was there before.» Anakin: «Oh,she has wolves,right?» Gana: «Werewolfs,Anakin. Werewolfs.» we came to her lands. Oh how I hate that witch. I hate her so much. I hear screaming,it was Pyron. Gana: *gasp* «Oh no,please dont be bitten!» We saw them in a canyon,the werewolves surrounded them,Pyron was on the ground. Anakin: «Ok,now those are some HUGE werewolfs.» The griffin was calling for help. Werewolf 1: «Now,you traspassers will join us.» Gana: «NOOOOO!» I yell. It was late,I couldnt hide it no more cause I was furyous. It happend. I transformed into a werewolf. I thro Anakin behind that griffin. Anakin: «Gana,is...a...werewolf??» Werewolf 2: «Gana?» Werewolf 3 : «Guys,its Gana she came back!» Gana: «Grrrrrrrr! NO! I came here to rescue my friends,Paul!» Paul: «Look,its too late...I tasted his blood.» Gana: «Huh?» I look behind. Pyron was shaking,roaring. He was breathing very fast. Gana: «Oh Griffin! Take Anakin and fly above, stay out of this canyon,you cant be bitten!!» she flyes above with Anakin. I lick Pyrons wound where he was bitten,but it was useless,he transforms into a werewolf. Gana: «Oh,no! Im too late...»

utorak, 27. listopada 2009.

nedjelja, 25. listopada 2009.


Somethings wrong. I get out of the cave and I see dragons above me flying and shooting fire bombs at the machines. I see Lagon. Gana: «Ah! HEEEEYY!!» I yell. He looks at me and comes down. Lagon: «Its okay fella I got you now...» fella? I'll kill him later. Soon he takes off and after 30 minutes of intense bombing and aerostats shooting at us,we came in a forest. Lagon puts me down. Lagon: «Whats your name?» Gana: «Uhm...Im actually Ga... I am warning you,if you tell anyone who you really are I will activate that bomb inside of you and everyone including your baby will DIE!» I Was shaking. Lagon: «Your name?» Gana: «Im..Anakin» Lagon: «Well...Im Lagon. Now get inside this cave,Sparx will lead you to the underground city of Ember.» Gana: «Ember? Wasnt that...just a legend?» Lagon: «Yes...but we found go.» so Sparx leads me to the gates of Ember and shows me were the rest of the group is. I saw Pyron,Angel and Nikki. Nikki??? *gasp* Gana: «Grrrrrr....» Sparx: «Whats wrong? See any enemy of your there?» Gana: «Yes...I do. Grrrrrrr!» I was furious. Look at her,snuggeling and hugging Angel. Kissing Pyron. Gana: «Kissing Pyron?!?!??!? Oh no you DONT» Sparx: «Huh?» I roar and attack Nikki and I bite her neck. Pyron grabs me and throws me, so I hit a rock. And that hurt a lot. Gana: «Ough...» I look at them. Pyron hugs Nikki. Nikki: «Grr...stupid little fox!» Gana: «Huh? Who you calling stupid,you little tramp! GRRRRR!» I was so mad and angry. Nikki and Pyron gasp. Pyron: «OK I dont know who you are and what you want from Nikki....» Gana: «I wanna barrie her alive with Burakis machines!» I interrupt him. Lagon: «OK easy now. What did Nikki ever do to you Anakin?» Gana: «Oh I'll tell you what...she was trying from the first day she appeared in our lives,to steal Pyron away from me! After our first battle she gave up and told me that mine and Pyrons love was unbreakable..but I see that those were just words,Pyron you disappointed me!» Everyone was looking in shock. Nikki: «Dont tell me you had a relationship with a fox!» Pyron: «NO! This fox is crazy! Look man,Idk how you knew about that...but my real love,Gana,is dead. Ok? Dead,and shes not coming back,ever. I saw her body in the ruins, then Buraki and others came and picked her up,there was nothing I could do!» Gana: «....YES YOU COULD! You couldave stopped them from taking me..I mean Gana away! And if you and Gana are truly come you arent feeling her presance now?» Pyron: «What are you talking about?» Gana: «Oh my dear Red...Gana is here,in this room...right now. And shes watching you. She saw you and Nikki kissing. And I've gotta say...she is very,very ANGRY!» Pyron: «Nikki kissed me...cause she wanted to cheer me up,I was crying after Gana. I could never ever cheat on Gana...» Gana: «I believe you...things are messed up,and I cant say anything without the worst things happening. Pyron just take care of Angel,Lagon you keep being a good leader, Nera,Spirit and others be brave and stay alive...Nikki...just stay away from Pyron ok? Cause I will seriously barrie you alive....Im just kidding,take care.» she smiles. I put my head down and I go to my hut. Pyron: (theres just something about this fox,very familliar...) «Angel...stay here with Nikki. I have to take care of something.» Pyron follows me to my hut. I was laying down. Pyron: «Gana? Is that you?» I was in shock. I look at him. Gana: «NO...I am not Gana. I am Anakin.» he looks at me. Pyron: «Yes...I can see are Gana!» Gana: «NO I am NOT Gana! I just...have...the power to see the past of the...people,dragons..just when I look at them..and...I am...very sencetive...» I try to lie. Pyron: «Hmmm...I'll pretend to believe you...» he leaves. Lagon: «What happened Pyron?» Pyron: «That fox...I sence its Gana,but something is bothering her...something very bad is happening and I have to findout what...» soon,the bell rings and the real Anakin with my body appears. I get out of the hut and I look in shock. Gana: «Oh no...» Lagon: «See? Thats fox is not Gana...»he says and runs towards Anakin. I look at Pyron. Pyron: «Hmm...that is not Gana. Just look at her. She is confused,I can see she doesnt know our friends.» he says to Spirit. Spirit: «Yeah...she is acting wieard...somethings not wright.»


Kyle...was dead. Dead. Dead. The words that kept repeating them selves in my head. I was crying the whole night. Kyles body was on the otehr side of the cave. I was shaking. The night was cold and dangerous. Snow storm was raging the entire night. He was dead. Oh,there it goes again! He is dead...hes not coming back. Gana: « not...coming...back, every again.» I cry more now. ???: «Gana...dont forget me! Please!» I look around,Gana: «Huh? Kyle?» he was standing infront of me,I look behind him,his body was still there. I was in shock. Kyle: «Dont forget me. If you do I'll die.» Gana: «But you allready are dead!» Kyle: «No...if you forget me,I will die.» Gana: «What??» Suddanly the earth starts shaking and Kyle and his body dissapear. Gana: «Kyle??» a bomb exploded I fell down.


The earthquacke of big imact stopped after 15 minutes. I was coughing. I just hoped my body survived. I didnt know where Anakin was,I didnt know what Buraki intends to do with me and when,but what I did know is that I have to find my family and friends. But,where am I? I crawled out of a little tunel and came to a big hall in underground ruins. Seemed like some of the ancestors were training here,it was dark but I was a fox and luckily,Anakin had a geart eyesight in the dark so it was no problem for me. I was looking around the big hall,so I decided to discover the powers Anakin has. So I sit down and think...concencrate. Feel the power Gana,feel it. I slowly open my eyes. I get up and found piece a shirt. I sniff it and close my eyes. In my head I saw everything and everyone with that shirt. What happened here and how did she came here. People were here and little children and dragon whelplings. There was an explosion,Burakis robots were shooting at them,many died. The survivors were taken to a big cage and carried away. Others ran thru a hidden tunel that had a mark of a cat on it. Gana: «Kyle?!» Vision stops. I open my eyes. Kyle was here,he escaped. Soon I found the hidden tunnel. It was tight,Kyle couldnt get thru here. I sniffed around and found his sent so I decided to follow it. It led into a bigger tunel. He was running away,very scared and tired. I saw he was wounded on his chest. The machines were runing after him,but he outruned them with his...electric power? Kyle can run as fast as I can? He never had that power,probably he has the gift to collect others powers,like he collected one Pyrons power?? Its not importaint,I have to find him. So I run faster and followed his sent. I saw everything that happened to him in that tunel. He was hurt badly. But that didnt stop him from running away. He was looking behind to see where to machines are but he fell into a hole. The vision stops. Soon I came to that hole. It was dark and quiet. I smelled again but I didnt see anything. Gana: « far down was it?» I pick up a rock and throw it in. 10 seconds passed then I hear a splash. Gana: «Water!» I jump in that hole and fall in the water. In this cave there were blue light crystals so it wasnt very dark. I get out of the water and start sniffing around. There was no sent. Gana: «Oh no...please...please!» I smell again. Nothing. Gana: «No..he couldnt drown!» I take a light crystal and throw it in the water. The crytsal sink down pretty deep. I couldnt go down there. I sit on a rock,I was thinking. How will I find him now? I close my eyes and think of Kyle. I feel electric impulse run thru my vanes and I open my eyes. My eyes were glowing white then I hear...Im cold. Very cold. I am laying down in snow with my own blood around me, my eyes are closed,as I count the last days of my life in my head thinking of the great times we had,my love. Bright light flashes. Gana: «Its snowing. Its outside,his outside!!» I try to sniff my way out by trying to smell snow. Then I saw big pile of rocks. I ran there and I move the big rock. I was outside,it was snowing. Gana: «Im out!!» Then I see blood drops in snow. Oh no,its Kyle. I sniff the blood and I get a picture of him laying down in snow. Pointing in the direction infront of me. So I start walking. An hour has passed,the vision cleared so I stop. I open my eyes. White snow all around me. I couldnt see Kyle. I look around until I see a glowing blue spot in the snow,then it stoped glowing. I ran there and start digging. I found him,I found Kyle. I dig him up and bring him to a cave that was 5 minutes from here. He wasnt breathing. I try to wake him up,but it was no use,he wouldnt respond. Gana: «Kyle..pleeease! I need you Kyle!» I sad thru tears «I need you! Kyle...wake up! Please...wake up!» he wasnt waking up,he wasnt breathing. He was very cold,he was dead.


...Scilence...Do not wake her up....hahaha...take her to my lab and put her next to that fox...we shall play a little game with them. Muahaha...
Gana: «Huh?» I dont feel my wings,my paws...I feel kinda fluffy. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I get up,there was a mirror opposite my glass cage. I look at myself in the mirror. What the...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I wasnt myself...I was a red fox! Gana: «Oh my GOD!!» is..that my voice? I have a male voice!!??!
???: «Dont panick...I got worse...» I heard myself. I look around and I see myself in anotehr cage. Gana: «What the hell is going on? Why do you have my body?»
???: «Ahh...Im Anakin. You have my body and I have yours...Buraki switched our sould,hes playing a game with us...Dont ask me what game cause I dont know.» I was so confused,I guess they left Jane,so I hope she finds Pyron an dothers and tells them Im not dead.
Jane: «GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!» she was in a box sent to Africa.
Gana: «Oh my God...Jane is in Africa. Im stuck here! GOD NO! I will kill Buraki. Well,do I still have my powers?» I try to breathe fire and electricity,it was no use. I try to see what will happen in the next 40 minutes,I couldnt see anything. Buraki was smart,he only switched our souls not our powers so I hope Pyron can sence me. I try to contact him so I close my eyes and think of him. I see his lost,in a forest with Angel hidden in a bush. Hes talking to..Jessica? I open my eyes. Gana: «OK,she will help him find worries...I will be back in my body.» Anakin rolls his eyes: «Dont get you hopes on....» Scientists and guards come and take us to Buraki. Oh my...he was very big. Gana: «No longer a snake,eh Burki?» Buraki: « longer a dragon,eh Gani?» Gana: «Why did you switch 2 complete strangers?» Buraki: «Well...its better to switch two strangers and besides...your powers are eaqul,so I choose Anakin and you. But Anakin is alone,you have a family. Will you play my game? Or will you escape and kill your Angel and friends?» I was confused. Gana: «Oh I will escape allright as soon as I kill you,free other prisioners and...why should I kill my Family?» Buraki smiles: «I am allaways one step ahead of you Gana. You see,after I switch you two I put a chip in you heads and a little bomb in your stomack that exploeds on my command. I can see where your going and what your doing and what you intend to do before you do it in my head and I can control you with my mind. You two have the same chip installed like my robot army,soon the rockets will destroy mayor cityes and I will rule the world!» Gana: «In your dreams butface!» he looks at me angry and I punch myself in the nose. Gana: «Oh! Why you....» Buraki: «Dont make me kill yourself. Now...level one is in single player...good luck.» A bright light flashes and I appear in the Great Hall ruins. Gana: «Oh..ouch. uh?» I look around. Gana: «Oh it started.» the rockets were sent to destroy every city on planet,many creatures and humans were wiped out of the face of the Earth. Before the big impact I found a cave that led to the underground ruins so I hide there. I survived Judgement day. But did Jane,Pyron and others survived too?

petak, 23. listopada 2009.

Lost Moon

I was like a lost moon – my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic,disaster movie scenario of desolation – that continued,nevertheless,to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind,ignoring the laws of gravity. We had little battles againts noumerous of enemys that Buraki didn't even sent after us,they were on theyre own,having theyre bosses. But the battle would never end by a side wining it. It was stopped,over and over again. I can't take it anymore. I wont. I have to get out of here,as soon as Hallows eve passes. I cant let my child to be born in sorroundings of evil,darkness,wars and its time to find The Garden of Hope. There a little Angel will hatch,and the final days of freedom are soon to be over. The prophecies were right,Judgement day starts.
Theres a storm coming Gana. Judgement day is not a faryie tail,its gonna happen. In 3 years from this day at 6:18 p.m. you cant stop it,you have to survive it!
My mom's last words to me and I cant believe 3 years have passed since I last saw her. I dont know what happened to her. Some say she went crazy and they are keeping her locked up in an underground prision for an eternety,some say she was too sad and desperate that she didnt have any reason to live so she killed herself and the worst of them all...that Buraki,turned her into a blood thirsty monster,half dragon half machine. But those were just rumores. Very unpleasant rumores that made me feel very sad and guilty for everything bad that happened in my life and to the others around me.
We were in Dragonopolis it was dark,the battle againts the reapers was wieard and different from any other battles we had before. Im glad its over. But I had a problem. My stomack hurt very bad so I woke up: «Gah! Oh no...Its time...» I say very quietly. Pyron was sleeping next to me in a Hreat Hall where the others were sleeping too. My stomack hurt bad I couldnt walk. So I crawled slowly out of the Great Hall and took flight. Jane woke up. Jane: *yawn* Huh? Omg,what am I doing sleeping next to Red?» she looked at him and smiled «Uh? Wha..wheres Ga..? Ouch!» she holds her head and stomack. «Whats happening to me? AAAAAAAAH!» she screams. Everyone wakes up. Pyron: «Gana? Jane? What happened??» Jane: «Its Jane...I...dont know!!!! AH!» she stopes yelling and opens her eyes very slowly. Her eyes were glowing. Everyone gasps. Pyron: «Jane?» Jane: «She...she is so beautifull...I can see her...she...» Jane didnt finish the sentance,she passed out. Pyron: «Jane? JANE! Take care of her! I have to find Gana!» Jane: « in The Garden of Hope. You cant find her.» Pyron : «What?? Where is that??» Jane: «Its like heaven,but the thing is,that world doesnt exist,it only exists to the dragons that truly need that place. And Gana really needed it,Im just suprized that place didnt open sooner.» Lagon: «What is that place??» Jane: «Its a place where dragons go to get help. But the thing is,time flyes by there in a blink of an eye,who knows Pyron,maybe Gana gets back with your daughter allready hatched.» Pyron was in schock. He sit down. He breathed fast and he was shaking. Jane: «Dont worry Pyron..I mean Red...its gonna be ok.» they smile. 30 minutes have passed. I came back. Everyone got up on theyre feet as soon as I entered the Great Hall. Pyron came closer: *gulp* «G..Gana? where..» he didnt finish the question,he was just stareing at a little whelpling I broth with me. Little tears came out of his eyes,he was in schock. Gana: «Meet,Angel.» I snuggle him «Angel,this is you father Pyron» Angel didnt say hi but instead she sneazed. We all laughed. Nera: «Aaaawww sheee is sooooo ADORABLEEE!» Lagon: «So cute!» Gana: «What are you waiting for daddy? Pick your little girl up» I smile. I could see he was still in shock. He snuggled Angel and picked her up. They were happy. Jane: «You gave me a stomack ake and an extra large migrane,thank you very much...» Gana: «Haha...Im sorry,the time flyes by so that happens.» Pyron: «How did she...?» Gana: «In Garden of Hope I fastforward the time.» We smiled. Everything seemed right,everyone were cheerfull and happy, Pyron was playing with Angel. But me and Jane senced something was wrong. Jane: «Hey! I felt the earth move.» she whispered to me. Then I feel it to. Oh no...Gana: „PYRON!! Its them,get..AAAAH!“ A giant pile of dirt and stone fell on Jane and me. I screamed. Pyron: «GANA! NOO!» he runs towards me and Jane and starts diging and moving the big stones. Jand and I tryed to crawl out of there,but It hurt us very bad. I senced my wings and legs were cut. The bulding was colapsing. They have only few seconds to get out of here. Gana:„Pyron,get Angel out of here and run!!!“ I yelled. „No I will not leave you Gana!“ Gana:„Go or our child will die,and we will loose the war...“ we looked at eachother „I will be fine. I promice...“ Pyrons eyes were full of tears,he turns around,takes Angel and runs away...I knew this would happen. I dreamed it once. Long ago,but I just forgot about it and now it came true.
„MOOOM NO!!“ I could hear her screaming. „Mom! Mommy!Mommy come baaack!!“ the screams fade away. I strat to cry. So this is it?
„Gana,lets try one more time.“ Says Jane.
„We tryed everything,Pyron tryed too. Its no use.“ I look down.“I love you Pyron,take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!“ Jane looks at me,she smiles. "No we r not gonna die like this,hold on..." A bright light flashes,I couldnt see anything. The bulding colapses.
Pyron and Angel flew out of the bulding and fell into a small river. They were shaking. „Its okay we are safe...“ Pyron says and hugs Angel.
„Whe...wheres my mommy?“ she askes very scared.
Pyron looks up and sees the bulding. It was completly destroyed,only whats left of it were ruins and Burakis machines,Dragon killers and Aerostats that attacked the building. „No,no,,no,NOO!“ he screams „Daddy!“ Angel runs towards him and hugs him. „She promiced...she...she promiced! YOU PROMICEED!“ he screams again.
Angel looks at Pyron,then at whats left of the Great Hall,then she looks at Pyron again.
„Shes not coming she?“
Suddanly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon killers start shooting! Pyron takes Angel and starts to fly. Fly as fast as possible. Angel was on his back,so Pyron turned around and tryed to shoot tose things down. Areostats were down and a Dragon killer. 2 of them were strong enough to hold of his fire powers, but didnt prosume him,so he gave up shooting and flyed away. To where? He did not know...

subota, 10. listopada 2009.

A near death experience?

I was with the rest of the group sitting close to the fire that kept us warm. My heart was broken I have no reason to live...So I got up and flew to a cliff. I watched the horizon and taking a deep breath. The sea was wavey. It was very cold. I closed my eyes and jumped of the cliff. I fell in the sea,the waves were hard. I couldnt take breath,so I was sinking. I opened my eyes a little and I saw Pyron was next to me...also sinking. He faded away when someone grabed my hand and draged me to the shore. It was Flame. I was shaking and coughing. Flame: «What the hell were you thinking?» he asked me. I closed my eyes. Flame: «Its okay...Im here. I know what Pyron did to you...but Gana,I would never ever do that.» Gana: «I know...Flame..I know.» We got up and got back to the group. All of them were worried. I saw them all. There was sadness,anger and fear...all at once in theyre eyes. Gana: «Its okay...Im okay. Flame saved me.» Lagon: «What were you thinking Gana!?!» I didnt answer. I went to the fire and layed down. Flame put his wing over me to make me warm.
Suddanly we hear Nera: «GANA! Ganaaaaa!!!!» I got frightened so I stand up and came to Nera along with the rest of the crew. Gana: «What is it?» Nera: «Gana...its Pyron...he thinks your dead!» Gana: «What??» Nera: «Hes going to Burak's...he wants to die too...» oh no,what I've done?? Gana: «Couldnt you stop him??» Nera: «No..he allready left!» I go after him but Flame stopped me. Flame: «He left you Gana! He didnt want you anymore!» Gana: «Sorry I cant stay here and do nothing while Pyron is going to Buraki to kill himself just becouse he thinks Im dead!» Flame: «Please...stay here,for me.» Gana: «I...have to go...» I kiss him and take off to Buraki's with Nera. Nera: «Hes gonna get to the guards...Buraki will kill him if he comes too close,we cant just get there and yell cause they will kill all of us...we have to find another way....Gana? WAKE UP!»

«Wake up!»
I open my eyes: «Huh?»
Jane: «You have retarded dreams girl..I couldnt take no I had to wake u up some how...»
I get up and look around. I cage??
Gana: «What happened? JANE WHAT HAPPENED!?!??»
Jane: «I got u locked up until I take care of somethings for Buraki and Bulco.»
There were a couple of guards around her. How the hell are we disconected? If Im in a cage,she has to be here too.cause she cant go nowhere without me...unless,Buraki seperated us??
Jane: «Could u guys leave....I have to talk to the lil brat alone...»
They leave....
Gana: «Jane...what the hell is going on??»
Jane: «Nuthin'...just chillin'....killin'...»
Jane: «OK OK! No need 4 yellling...GOD! look after I beat Pyron I had to bring u here and lock u up.. but dont worry I will not let them harm you,ok?»
Gana: «You better...» Someone came in. It was Buraki and Bulco.
Jane bows. I was scared.
Buraki: «Well well well...I told u to get Pyron...but you got me something better. Hhehe. Now I have his heart in this cage! When I brake his little heart...I will brake him too! Hahahah!»
Bulco: *yeah right...not when Jane and I are around will not rule this world big guy...* «Yeah...his weak now! We just have to see if his smart too...»
Buraki: «Haha...bring her to the lab...we have to kill the baby..»
Jane: *gasp* What? Oh...uhmm..»
Gana: «No. JANE!» they take my cage. «JANE!!!! JANEEE HELP! NOOO!» I was crying and screaming. Jane was in shock. Bulco was standing next to her. Now,they are gonna kill Angel? And me??
Buraki: «Put her on that bed....»
Gana: «Noo! No PLEASE! DONT! ILL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY!» I was crying.
Jane: «Ok...we are still conected...we have to be...»
Bulco: «Think...Jane...Think!»
Jane: «I'll use my new power...thelecinesiss. I'll use it over her eyes» Jane coleses her eyes. I was screaming and crying. They were trying to put another drug in me.
Gana: «NOOOOOOOO!» I yell and the injections flew out of the scientists hands and durg them.
Buarki: «What is this?!?»
I looked at him. My eyes were white and bright. My body turned black.
Buraki: «Gana?»
I scream and all the glass in the room brake and the walls crack a little.
Buraki: «STOP THIS!»
I look at him again. He starts floating. Then I threw him on his guards that were coming after me. Jane and Bulco get into the room and untie me. We brake the wall and left for Dragonopolis.
Buraki: «GRRRRAAAAAAAR! Jane and Bulco betrayed me! Kill them...ALL. But bring Gana alive...Jane and her are only conected in mind...not in body and soul. I guess the others can see her now as she is Gana's twin sister. I am counting on you to get her back and to kill Jane and Bulco...Gana has new powers and I will have them...»
Assassin: «I shall not fail you!»

četvrtak, 17. rujna 2009.

Jane of the Bulcori guard part 1 - A part untold

Mistfalls village is gone...gone. am I gone too? I dont know where am I. Where am I? Can someone hear me??
Voice: «Gana...your in a world between death and life. In the middle...»
Gana: «What? Am I dead?»
Voice: «No,neither dead or living...»
Gana: «Wheres Jane? What did she do?»
Voice: «Shes taking order to fix things»

Nera runs very fast from Pyron and the others. Shes outof breath. Lagon and the others were following her. «NERA COME BACK!» but she didnt listen,she was runing. She came across us finally. «Ok Im here,but we have to go fast cause they are following me!»
Jane: «I'll take care of them...» Jane stands infront of them.
Pyron: «Gana?» he says «Oh my God...» he looks at Lagon «She has red eyes!»
Lagon: «Its the clone,thats not Gana its Anag! She has the real Gana and Nera hidden somewhere!» but Pyron felt something to «Anag» like he knew that was Gana,the real Gana. He looked deep insed her eyes... «PYRON!!!» he hears screaming. «Thats Gana!» Before he could do anything Jane starts to scream. She emited high-pitched sonic vibrations that can inflict intense damage on living tissue and inanimate objects. The others fall down. They were yelling and keeping theyre ears closed with wings,but it was useless. But Lagon «pushed» her so she fell. He used little bit of thelecinesiss. But that wasnt good,Jane easily gets angered...specially when her powers fail. So she looked at Lagon,very angry.
Jane: «You shouldnt have done that,Lagon»
Lagon: «You can all go to hell...specially you!»
Jane is now more angered: «This may hurt just a little...»
Pyron: «No,no nooo!»
Jane ran towards him very fast,bite his neck and threw him in the air. She jumped after him,grabbed him and flew with him very high. Everyone was looking at them
Nera: «Say goodbye to your dear friend.» and she smiles
Pyron: «No!» he says and blows fire at Nera,but Nera blocked it and and inflicked pain into Pyron. He fell down. «Pyron let them go,they are too strong,LAGON!» says Spirit. Jane was fighting Lagon in the sky,they were falling real fast so Jane grabbed Lagon and pushed him down,so he hit the ground and Jane landed normally. With her red eyes,she looked at everyone,introducing herself as a strong and powerfull dragoness. «Master Bulco...I warned them but they didnt listen.» she sad to him then looked at Pyron and the others «I hope that will teach you a lesson,you think you can defeat me? Well your wrong cause Im more powerfull then you!» Jane and Nera turn away and headed to the rest of the Bulcori guard.
Voice: «I can defeat you in a fair battle,Jane!»
Jane: «Who sad that?»
Pyron: «I did...»
Jane: «Hahaha! Your weak and naive...I will not fight you,your just a waste of time.» she says sand turns away
Pyron: «COWARD!»
Jane stoppes. And lookes at him very angry....
Jane: «What did u call me?»
Pyron: «Coward!»
Jane comes closer to Pyron: «Say that Im a coward,one more time...»
Pyron: «No...I'll tell you that ur a coward if you wont fight me...»
Jane looks at him and thinks....
Jane: «Well I can sence your weakness...»she comes closer «and I can smell your blood,you are very tasty Pyron» she smiles «Its a deal...»
Spirit: «Pyron no! Your crazy! She could kill you!»
Jane: «Well finally theres someone smart! Well this is your last chance red one,and if you loose I will kill you,if you win I will let you and ur friends go...»
Pyron: «And...BRING...GANA...BACK!»
Jane thinks..
Jane: «Very well...I'll bring her its on?»
Pyron: «Your on! One on one!»
Jane smiles: «Hehe...this will be fun!»

ponedjeljak, 14. rujna 2009.

Lights out - Flashforward - "Is it a lie?"

„Pyron,get Angel out of here and run!!!“ I screamed. The bulding was colapsing. We had only few seconds to get out of here. „No I will not leave you Gana!“ Pyron sad.
„Go or our child will die,and we will loose the war...“ we looked at eachother „I will be fine. I promice...“ Pyrons eyes were full of tears,he turns around,takes Angel and runs away...
„MOOOM NO!!“ I could hear her screaming. „Mom! Mommy!Mommy come baaack!!“ the screams fade away. I strat to cry. So this is it?
„Gana,lets try one more time.“ Says Jane.
„We tryed everything,Pyron tryed too. Its no use.“ I look down.“I love you Pyron,take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!“ Jane looks at me,she smiles. "No we r not gonna die like this,hold on..." A bright light flashes,I couldnt see anything. The bulding colapses.
Pyron and Angel flew out of the bulding and fell into a small river. They were shaking. „Its okay we are safe...“ Pyron says and hugs Angel.
„Whe...wheres my mommy?“ she askes very scared.
Pyron looks up and sees the bulding. It was completly destroyed,only whats left of it were ruins and Burakis machines,Dragon killers and Aerostats. „No,no,,no,NOO!“ he screams „Daddy!“ Angel runs towards him and hugs him. „She promiced...she...she promiced! YOU PROMICEED!“ he screams again.
Angel looks at Pyron,then at whats left of he Great Hall,then she looks at Pyron again.
„Shes not coming she?“
Sudanlly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon killers start shooting!

subota, 12. rujna 2009.

Mistfalls Village part 5 – Secrets revailed,or maybe not?

A month has passed since Kyle left. And I felt weaker and weaker by each day. I lost apetite,I got thinner,I couldnt fight when we had training so I was excused. I was having nightmares every night. I started halucinating. Headackes everyday. I threw up blood. Whats happening to me? The same question over and over again.
Gana: «Im not so good....»
Jane: «Tell me about it.»
Jane and I were laying in a bed. I couldnt breather so I got up to get some air. I decided to go up the cliff. It was dawn so the horizon was very beautifull.
I sit down and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I opened them...what the?
Gana : «Huh??»
The storm was very strong. In the distance there were some dragons coming,blowing up the parts of the forest. My friends,they were gone. The screaming,the yelling... I looked down and I saw dragons and wolfs fighting. Pyron was trying to save Spirit from a dragon that kidnaped him. Nera and Robby fight other dragons. Then the storm started to be much more rough so it blew up Mistfalls Village. It was gone. I started to cry.
Gana: «NOOOOO!»
Jane: «Gana! Dont!»
The ground under my legs desappeared. I was falling. I lost conciousnes.
Voice: «Shes waking up.»
Gana: «what happened?»
Pyron: «U fell of the cliff. What happened?»
Gana: «Who saved me?»
Nera: «Gana,you saved yourself...remember? when u fell u flapped ur wings,and then you lost conciousness.»
Gana: «Oh...(it must be Jane) ...oh yes I remember» Althought it was a lie,I was shure Jane did that before she lsot conciousness too. If Jane wasnt there I would be dead now,she is stronger then me.
Doctor: «Gana,when I was examening you I had to get your blood. And I discovered that you have the mixure of Red Clover pison and Ergot poison.»
Gana: «What is that?»
Doctor: «Those r very very poisonous leafs,very dangerous cause the Red Clover has nitrate and Ergot has indole alkaloid,and when they r mixed the create drugs that kill or boost enegry. No from what I saw this month,you Gana,are dying.»
Gana and Pyron: «What??»
Doctor: «Im afraid so...but the drug kills instantly usually»
Gana: «How did I survive?»
Doctor: «Thats the same question I have been asking myself this whole month.»
Woah,now Im gonna die. But I guess Jane helped me survive theese months and I see she cant take it anymore. I dont know where is she. I lost conciousness.
Spirit: «Gana? Your a...a ghost?»
Jane: (woah,the kid can see me?) «Umm,yeah I guess I dead?»
Pyron: «I wont let you die Gana!» he sad and put his hands on me. Then I woke up.
Gana: (What happened to me?)
Jane: (they all thought ur dead...Pyron just removed the poison effect from ur vanes,but u kept it in ur body,so I guess we r more powerfull now. We just have to figure out our powers from time to time...)
Gana: (But we have to be carefull)
Pyron: «Gana you allright!!»
But...was I?

Mistfalls Village part 4 – The Heartbrake kid

After a few minutes I got to a valley and found Kyle there. Pyron was chatting with some friends of his and eating something Kyle broth home today. It was a bit cold night so everyone got arround the fire place and talked,including Spirit and Pyron,who were new this last week. Crikets were singing.
Gana: «Kyle? You wanted to talk with me?»
Kyle turns around: «Hey...uh...yeah shure.»
Jane: «You okay?»
Kyle: «Um,no. Gana,I...I...»
Oh no,this doesnt sound right...
Kyle: «I did love you...but...»
Oh no,this definatly doesnt sound right...
Kyle: «I think its time...»
Oh no,dont say it! Dont say it Kyle! I look down.
Kyle: «Time to brake up.»
He sad it. He really...sad that. What did I do wrong? Did I deserve this? Was it Pyron?
Gana: «Wh...why Kyle?»
Kyle: «I dont know...» he looks down. Hes very nervous and sad.
Gana: «But...I love you Kyle.» I start to cry a bit.
Kyle looks at me. He had tears in his eyes,he was shaking...and so was I.
Kyle: «Gana...I ....»
Jane: «Do you love me Kyle??»
He put his head down. So Jane repeats the question : «Do you love me!?!?»
Kyle looks up,a tear comes out from his right eye. He puts his head down again and says,with his gentle voice,the word I never expected: «No...»
He flyes away.
I was standing very still. My heart was broken I was shaking. I wasnt even blinking cause of the shock,cause of the pain I couldnt move. Suddanly I fall down and start to cry. Cry like I never cryed before. I was in such pain,shock and cold. Very cold.
Jane: «Gana...Im so,so sorry.»
I didnt say anything,I was crying very loud.
Voice: «G..Gana? Im so sorry...»
I look up. It was Pyron. So I ran towards him and hug him. I felt warmer,I felt happyer when I was with him.
Gana: «Pyron,you heared us?» I sad thru tears.
Pyron: «Yes. I heared you asking him does he love you. So I wanted to see whats happening....I thought he was attacking you,Im sorry I didnt mean to..»
Gana: «Its okay....Its okay.»

Mistfalls Village part 3 - Kyle returned?

Pyron just nods and goes his own way. I feel so imbarissed cause of that,now he thinks Im crazy,I cant believe this...
Jane: «I cant believe this...»
Gana: «What??»
Jane: «Look its Lagon.»
Gana: «So?»
Jane: «So?! Lets go and talk to him...»
Gana: «About what?»
Jane: «Huh,nevermind.»
I was confused. Why does Jane want to talk to Lagon. I hope she will not imbarisse me,again. «Gana,you know the truth.»
Gana: «Huh? Did u hear that?»
Jane: «Yes I did. We r one,remember? What truth you know?»
Gana: «I dont know...Im very confused.»
Jane: «Yeah,me too.»
We get to Lagon. It seems he was talking to someone. Someone behind a bush?
It was a dragon whelpling. His name was Spirit,and he was so cute. We led him to the village and showed him his hut. He was a bit scared but I talked to him. Everythings gonna be allright. I went for a walk, and I saw Pyron talking to some wolfs and a dragon. He looked at me but I turn my head away. They I look at him again,he was smilig at me so I smiled back.
Jane: «Quit blushing girl,thats LAME!»
Gana: «Shut up Im not blushing.»
Jane looks at me.
Jane: «You look red to me...»
I laugh then I look at Pyron again. He seemed confused but he laughed too. Oh no,he now thinks I was laughing at him,now Im more embarissed. I put my head down and leave. Pyron put his head down too,but continued smiling and talking to his friends. He was so cute. That reminds me,wheres Kyle? I didnt see him for a week.
Jane: «Theres your boyfriend.» she points to the sky.
I look up. Its Kyle!
Gana: «Kyleeeeeeee!!!» I yell. They I turn around to see wheres Pyron. He looked at Kyle. Kyle landed and huged me. I huged him too. He seemed,sad.
Gana: «Kyle where were u?»
Lagon: «KYLE! Get over here right now!» Lagon screamed,he wasnt happy.
Kyle: «Y-yes s-sir?»
Lagon: «Where have u been? I send you to pick up some food and water,what took u so long?»
Kyle: «S-sorry sir. I got too far away so I got lost...» he puts his head down.
Lagon : «Verry well. Put the food in the supply cave then get some rest.»
Kyle turns around.
Kyle: «We have to talk...» he says angry and leaves for the supply cave.
Jane: «Uh-oh,he knows your in love with Pyron,busted girl...»
Gana: «What?? Shut up Jane....»

petak, 28. kolovoza 2009.

Mistfalls Village part 2

What is wrong with me?! Dialouge mostly

Nella: «Feeling better?»
Gana: «What happened to me?»
Nella: «U were fighting Meldow,and u broke his leg and crushed his chest. I dont think hes gonna make it...»
I was shocked.
Gana: «What? U saying I killed him???»
Nella: «No. U didnt kill him,she did...»
Gana: «She? Who is she?»
Nella: «Ur...well ur imaginary friend...»
Gana: «What? I have an imaginary friend?»
Nella: «Yes. You created her the way u wanted her to be and u call her every time ur in some kind of trouble. You have to get rid of her Gana.»
Gana: «I...I dont understand. Am I sick? Mentaly?»
Nella: «Ummm,no. Ofcourse not.»
Gana: «I created someone I didnt even know about,until now. Does my...imaginary friend have a name?»
Jane: «Ofcourse I do you stupid brat!»
Gana: «What?!»
Nella: «Something wrong?»
Gana: «Dont you see her?»
Nella: «See who?!»
Jane: «Go on,tell her. Tell her that your crazy!»
Gana: «No,no...»
Nella: «Gana? Whats...?»
Jane: «Oh shut up you good for nothing...get out of my hut right now!»
Nella was confused «Gana,why are u being so mean to me?»
Jane: «Your still here?» I get up and roar. Nella got scared so she ran away.
Gana: «What the hell did u do to her? She was my friend!»
Jane: «Haha, she was a psyhologist Gana! I just save u from her. They all think ur nuts! Shes a trator...» I get out of the hut and walk towards the cantin,to get something to eat.
Jane: «Oh its so beautifull here. One day u all are gonna get killed...»
Gana: «What? Your crazy...»
Jane: «Oh no my dear friend...your crazy.»
Gana: «Shut up,ur embaressing me.»
We ...I mean I...came across Meldow.
Meldow: «Oh,no not u again!»
Jane: «Dont worry I'll eat him for you...»
Gana: «Stop it!»
Meldow: «ME? no Im not gonna stop it,get away from me u monster!»
Jane: « Im gonna rip him appart so that hes gonna be all over this forest!»
Gana: «Meldow,its ok. Im not gonna hurt you..
Meldow and Jane: «What?»
Jane: «Why not? The little rat hurt you!»
Meldow: «Really?»
Jane: «NO!»
Gana: «Yes...»
Jane: «Oh spare me....»
Gana: «Im so so sorry for what she...for what I did to you.»
Meldow: «No,it was my fault Gana. I made u angry. I deserve this.»
Jane: «No,once ur dead then u deserve it...»
I start to cry. Jane looks at me.
Jane: «Oh no,please dont cry!»
Meldow: «Dont cry Gana. Its ok. Can you forgive me for chalanging u?»
Gana: «Yes. Now im just gonna go and...»
Lagon: «We have a new member. Hes in the forest by the waterfall,go and check him out. I have to deal with something....»
Gana: «Whats his name?»
Lagon: «Umm...Pyron.»
Pyron? Sonds so familiar. Oh well,I went to the forest to check on him. He was siting by the waterfall. He seems sad.
Gana: «Pyron?» he turns around «Welcome. Umm...are you allright?»
Pyron: «My family is out there somewhere. And I have to save them»
Gana: «Get some rest for now. Dont worry we will find them.»
Jane: «Yeah right....what a lie!»
Gana: «Shh!»
Pyron: «Huh?»
Gana: «Nothing...»

Mistfalls Village part 1

2 weeks later...
Lagon: «Gana u became a true member of our group. You help us with the weather....»
Gana: «Hahaha! Funny.»
We both laughed. Lagon has geat sence of humor,although hes blue and he lost his wife. Oh,Im so sorry.
Lagon: «Listen,take care of the villge for short time,I have to go find a missing friend.»
Gana: «Hey,u need help?»
Lagon: «No!»
He sad and flew away. Among many creatures that were here long before me,that r most experienced,he had chosen me to be the leader when hes gone. Wow,thats nice. I got up a high rock where usually Lagon sit there to talk to the villagers and bring them bad and good news. Mostly bad news. The villagers look up at me. They were confused. One of the villagers sad: «Hey,only the leader can go up that rock!»
Gana: «Lagon left for a short time so he choose me to be the leader while hes gone.»
The villagers were angry. They dont want me to be the leader.
«Why you? Why not Wolverine for Gods sake?!» the ywere mad and started to yell in same tone. I was embarissed and sad.
Gana: «SHUT UP!» I yell. I was looking at them and they were looking back. They start to yell even more and start throwing eggs and bananas and tomatoes at me. I blocked every throw with my wings. But some smartypaints threw a rock at me from the distance and I fell down. The yelling and food throwing stopped. I was so mad.
Gana: «ok,whos idea was to throw a damn ROCK AT ME?!?!?»
Meldow: «Mines...»
It was a black cat. A pretty big one so I guessed he was a wild cat.
Gana: «And who are you?»
Meldow: «Oh Im sorry. Im Meldow. And Im here to make every new members life, that I dont like,miserable. And Gana,I really dont like you....»
The villagers yell and agree.
Meldow continues: «How about u and me have a fight?»
Gana: «Ummm,no. I'll pass.»
Meldow: «Puff...what a leader!» he sad sarcastic «She really hit the spot. Hahah,what a wimp,ur a baby.» all the villagers start to laugh at me. I was real sad,and mad as hell.
Gana: «QUIET! I accept.»
Meldow: «Hhehe....lets see what u got.»
The villagers form a cyrcle so that Meldow and I come to the middle and fight.
Meldow: «I'll crash you back into the whole u crawled out.»
By saying that he made me furyous. As soon as the bell rang I an towards him and seized him. I jumped in the air with him. Meldow tryed to escape my grab but it was a too strong bite. If he made any wrong turns Id crush him with my sharp teeth. As soon as we were in the air I crushed him back on the ground with my dive attack. He couldnt moove.
Meldow: «Aahhhh! That HURTS! U broke my leg! U stupid....»
Gana: «Shut up,there are 256 bones in ur body» I say and come closer to him «Thats ONE!!!!» I turn around. «Time will heal that,but that didnt hurt so much like ur words hurt me. And that,will leave a mark in my heart forever. And I will NEVER forgive you!» I look at the villagers. «Who else wants some?!?!?! Im the leader while Lagons gone. You understand that? You eat when I say u eat. You go to sleep when I tell u to go to sleep. You talk when I tell you to talk and you will obey every order I make,if ur bothered with that then DEAL with it!!!!» I could see them. The fear in theyre eyes. They were shaking. My head started to hurt and I blacked out. I woke up in my hut,there was a human who was looking after me.
Nella: «Its ok. Im Nela and Im ur doctor.»
I smiled. Then I woke up. I looked around and I was alone in my hut. My head hurts so bad. I cant remember anything.

četvrtak, 27. kolovoza 2009.

The Offering - Elmo

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.

utorak, 25. kolovoza 2009.

Gana has a new look??

Maybe I shouldnt use it? xD

ponedjeljak, 24. kolovoza 2009.

Red eyes,darkness,lightning storms....a Village!

I was lost. I have a headacke,somethings bothering me. It was real misty but since I control the weather I made it clear. «Oh,a Village?» I entered the Village and look around. «HOLD IT!» someone sad. «Who are you,girl?» a blue dragon asked me followed by two wolfs. «Your the leader I prosume?» I ask
Lagon: «I prefere to be called,Lagon. And you still havent answered my question.»
Gana: «Oh,Im sorry. My name is Gana. Im lost,can...can you...?»
Lagon: «Did u made the mist disapear?» he interupted me.
Gana: «Umm...yeah. thats one of my gifts,to control the weather.»
Lagon: «That is very useful. Its been fog for years here. Thanks to you,sunshine came to Mistfalls Village.»
Gana: «Mistfalls Village? My mom sad my first stop will be here,but thats all I remember...»
Same time: «GANA!!»
Gana: «Nera,Robbie...Kyle!! oh your safe!!» I ran towards them
Nera: «We were so worried about you!»
Robbie: «We were searching for you long time,then we came across the village,hoping to find some help....»
Kyle: «OH,thank God your here.»
He sad and huged me. «Im not letting u out of my sight,ever.»
Nera: «So,did u find the famouse Pyron?»
Gana: «Wha..Whos that?»
Robbie: «Ummm...never mind,we mixed up things a little. Noone importaint.»
Nera looked at him shocked. She called him over to talk about it. And who the hell was Pyron? I dont know. Never heared of him.
Gana: «Oh...»
Kyle: «U okay?»
Gana: «Headacke. I need some rest....»
It was cloudy,I senced the rain is coming here. A lightningstorm. «Right now...our future isnt that great.» I say quietly and fall asleep.
Bulco: «She reached the Village just like u wanted it master....hahahahah!»

utorak, 18. kolovoza 2009.

Somethings getting in the way,somethings just about to brake,I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane

«Ah!» I wake up. «That was a strnge...wait? I get pregnant? Oh,mom was right,Pyron is handsome!!» I laugh. I was all alone. It was too quiet. Somethings not right.

«Hello Gana.»

«Huh?» I turn around «Bulco? What r u doin here?!»

«I was flying,breathin fresh air u know? Then I saw u here so I thought we can chat.»

he sad comming closer to me. I was a bit scared.

«Wha...what do u w-want Bulco?»

«Hehe...»he smiled and came closer,he wisperes «I know ur secret!» he smiles

«Secret? What secret?»

«Gana...I remember what u were doing first. They lied to you. You havent been out for 3 years,thats impossible. You have been working with me....»

I was confused. How come I dont remember? «Remember,Jane?»

«Jane? My names not Jane.» I looked into his eyes

«Thats how you called yourself. While you were working ofcourse...»

«Working on what?!»

«You really dont remember? Oh well its time I tell you everything...Jane. I mean...Gana?» he smiles again. «You were,and since you still havent left the goup,you are a member of the Bulcori guard. Once a member,allways a member. When you first aried,you volonteerd to go and test the drug. I tryed to stop u but u wanted it so bad that I had to let u go.» I was getting angry. I dont know whats wrong with me. «I see ur coming back,Jane. Your red eyes give everything away.» he smiles again «Now..heres what you have to do...»

ponedjeljak, 17. kolovoza 2009.

Angel or Devil?

Eyes are from the terminator,the dragon is Draco

srijeda, 12. kolovoza 2009.

The future glimpse - Is it a lie?

«So you are Draco. I was on the Draco Island with my friends to save Spyro and Cynder.» I sad. Draco and I were in a tunel what humans called the subway. It was pretty dark and quiet. «Yes I know. Im the owner of Draco Island...was» he says. «Owner? How come we never found you? Were you....normal before?»
«Yes,I was normal. I now remember. I was guarding Spyro and Cynder from Burakis forces. They came there long before you and your friend came. Many,many times. And I allways beat them. But when they came again,they didnt want Spyro and Cynder,they wanted me,so they captured me and put me to sleep for many days. I dont know what were they doing to me,I just know that when I woke up I felt a bit different but I didnt know how. I was stronger and faster. So,it seems that they killed me and made a robot of me. A dragon killer.» he explains. I came a bit closer. «Dont blame it on yourself. Its okay.» We looked at eachother and smiled. He was coming closer to me. It looked like he wants to kiss me. I didnt know what to do. Suddanly he stops. «Well done Draco. You did what we could not do. Congratulations,you killed Gana» he was shaking a bit. «Whats wrong Drac....agh!» he grabed me by the neck and started to strangle me. I...cant...breathe. his eyes turned red. «Im sorry Gana. Its time you die!» «Aaaaa» I tryed to kick him,I scratch him with my claws. I ripped his skin off on his chest,he didnt feel a thing. I was dieing. «Draco...STOP! please....stop it.» he looks at my belly. Like he saw something. «Let go!» I yell and so he did. What happened? Dont know,dont care Im free I have to get out. Now the whole Brinsopnet knows Im here. «Shes...pregnant. I couldnt kill her. No,I have to save her.» he says and looks up. «Oh no. Wasps again.» he looks at me. I was runing towards the exit. «Gana,no!! Stop,your gonna get killed! Wasps are out there,its an AMBUSH!» I wasnt listening. I cant trust him,I just kept runing until I got out. I look around,noone was there. I start to fly. «Gana look out!» I look behind me «Oh no. The harvester!» or the collector. He collects dragons and takes them to the headquarters of Brinsopnet as prisioners. Draco flyes up. Whan I saw him I start flying away from him as quick as possible. The harvester starts shooting,but since Draco was after me he has do dodge those too. It was like a storm. «The storm? Right.» I turn around «EAT THIS!» I yell and a lightining storm starts. «Ah!» almoast hit him. «Gana,stop it. Gana,do the mist!» he yelled. Why does he wane me to do the mist? Oh well,the robots cant see when its all misty,so I did. I was the only one who could see thru that mist. The harvester stopped shooting. I saw Draco landed,he was walking to the direction where I had to go. «Oh no you dont.» I landed and hide behind a car. I still have no idea what for the humans were using those things. Draco was passing me by. I was walking behid him and attacked him. But he dodged my attack. «Gana let me explain» I didnt listen,I attacked him again but he dodge it again. «They sent me the virus! I didnt want to kill you!» he tryes to explain but I kept attacking him. «Gana stop!» I didnt listen I attacked again but he punched me so hard that I flyed across the air 10 meters from him and I hit a building. «Oh no!» he ran to me. «Gana Im so sorry you okay» «DONT TOUCH ME!» I yell and I fire ice shards at him. He fell on the ground. «Gana,please.» «Oh dont you Gana me!» I say and I kick him «Why should I give you a second chance? You are dangerous Draco and they have a conection with you. When the Brinsopnet sends signals to everyone it sends signals to you too. You picked it up and you followed the order. Thanks for the information now I know that the entire army of machines is after me! They know Im here!» he stands up «Gana...I didnt kill you. I cant kill you.» he says and comes closer to me «Im not the one who will kill you,Pyron is» «What? Oh spare me...Im the one that can predict the future!» «That future is being shadowed! You have a trator in your group.»

petak, 31. srpnja 2009.


Its been 5 days from our trip to Mistfalls Village,and we were very tired. «Lets land over there to get some rest» Nera sujested so we land on a valley. It was a beautyfull nightsky. «They have x-rays so they are much better hunters in the dark» «What did you say?» I asked Nera. «Huh?» she was confused «Noone sad anything Gana.» Kyle sad and came closer to me. They have x-rays? Better hunters in the dark? What was that? Well I guess Im imagening things and its not a first time. I allready miss my home. I look in Neras eyes,then Kyles and Robbyes. They are all worried too. What happens next? I dont know. I lay down to get some sleep,but I couldnt. «Come...come to me. Come!» I open my eyes and look around. My friends were sleeping. «Your times up» «What?» I started to follow the voice and got into the forest. It was quiet. «GET HER!» I hear someones voice and turn around. «AH!»

«So,you say that Buraki took over the...» I interupted him «NO! He didnt take over the world. There are many creatures who fight againts him.» I sad «But you are outnumbered by machines,right?» Draco looked into my blue eyes. I started to cry. «No,Gana. Dont cry.» he came closer and huged me. «We have lost many battles...» I sad and look into his eyes «...but now its our turn to win the war.» I look up «Get DOWN!»

«Aaaah!» I screamed. Where am I? What was that? «Aaaaaaaa! Help! Is there somebody?» I yelled. I was in a cage and tryed to get out. Somebody opens the door and comes closer to me. «Get her into the lab. Its about time you woke up missy. Time is running out and master Buraki is inpacient. He has allready a new plan and we are working on it.» Sad the man. Buraki? Whos Buraki? Working on what? «All of them died sir.» later came his assistent I prosumed. «Ah...its the same with everyone.» he sad looking at the ground. Then he lookes at me «Lets hope that this one survives» he sad and left. «What? NOOO! Let me out of here! Im not your guinea pig you PIG!» I was so afraid. If everyone died,then Im gonna die forshure. Woah...whats happening to me. I fell down. I cant walk. Im so weak. «Felling sick arent we? Well thats becouse you havent been eating or drinking for 3 years!» the assistent sad «WHAT?!» I was shocked «3 years? But thats not possible. I was out for 3 years?» «Yes,now when we give you this drug you will sleep forever or you will be the most powerfull dragon. Even more powerfull then the purple dragon. Yes? Hahahahaah!» the purple dragon? They put me on a bed and tie me up. I was weak,I couldnt fight. When they were bringing me to the room I saw some robots that worked on something huge,little flying machines that flyed around a room that I believed it was a testing room. «Aerostat fly!» sad a scientist «Aerostat attack!» as soon as he gave the order the machine,I mean,the Aerostat started shooting on a dummy. The dummy exploded. For what are they using those things? For no good at all. «Give her the drug» sad the man. So this is it? They gave me 2 doses of the drug. I felt the poison runing thru my vanes. I slowly close my eyes. «Shes out too sir. What will we do?» he was disapointed «Put her in the Zone.» he sad and left. They untie me and drag me thru a hallway. «Aaaaaaaar!» I screamed. A ball of steam surrounded me and killed the scientist. There was fire in the hallway. The alarm started. I made a hole in the wall to I escaped easily. «Hmm,she survived the drugs. Bring me her here,NOW!» sad Buraki to a dragon. «Im counting on you Bulco,you take care of Gana!» he noded and left after me.

I pushed Draco and he fell down. So I ran towards the robot that looked like a human sceleton but much stronger. He saw me and started to run twards me. «I will destroy you you stupid machine!» I yell and jump. He jumpied too. What? He can jump that high?! I tryed to avade but he grabed me and slamed me to the ground. The machine starts punching me. I pick up that broken peace of glass and I stabbed him in his neck. «He lost the sence of direction.They know where we are, we have to get out of here. RUN!»

"Im the only hope you have"

Gana,Pyron and Draco in the middle

srijeda, 29. srpnja 2009.


Flora opens her eyes and looks around. It was dawn. She was shaking. «Mom?» I sad quietly «What hapened to you,you seem...are you sick or something?» I asked
«Oh Gana!» she jumped out of the bed and huged me «Umm...yeah it was 3 hours since you last saw me,I miss you too. Now can you tell me whats going on?»
we sit down. «Gana,you have to leave this place. Bring Kyle,Robby and Nera with you.» she sad nervously «Mom,why? Whats going on?» I was afraid
«I never looked so far into the future. But I have to tell you something. Theres a storm coming Gana. Judgement day is not a faryie tail,its gonna happen. In 3 years from this day at 6:18 p.m. you cant stop it,you have to survive it!» she was shaking «Mom,Judgement day had to happen 2 years ago,and we stoped it. Now quit talkin stupid stuff. Im not gonna leave!» I sad «You have to! You will be the leader alongside your mate Pyron. You have to survive. The future depends on it! And your daughter...» «STOP IT!» I yelled. «I dont know who Pyron is and how can he be my mate? Is he good looking?» she rolled her eyes «Yes he is. Now GO!» she sad
«But...» she interupted me «I am the leader and when I say you go,you GO! Do as I say now!» I looked at her «GO!» so I did. I picked a few things and called my friends. I explained what happened. So we left Ewok Village. To where? I do not know. My mother sad that shes gonna send me hints time to time. So I trusted her. It seems that the real war,will begin sooner then we thought. the first glipmse was a village surrounded with Mist. Mistfalls Village?

The prediction

«Gana! Hurry!» Kyle was yelling from across the bridge «They will destroy the bridge! Hurry!» my wings were damaged. I couldnt fly. «KYLE! Watch out!» I yelled to warn him. The mashine that the humans called,Aerostat,was heading towards us. «Run Kyle!» I sad «No,Im not leaving you!» he sad
«I am the leader and when I say you go,you GO! Do as I say now!» I told him. He was looking at me «GO!» and so he did. The bridge colapsed. I couldnt fly. If I fly the Aerostats will kill me and besides my wings were hurt badly. So I started to run thru the forest. «Hey Im here! Follow me you stupid metal flying thing! Its me,Gana!» I yelled to destract Aerostat of following Kyle and others. «Dont worry Pyron,Im gonna save you!» I start runing. 3 or 4 Aerostats were flying after me,shooting at me. I ran as fast as I can thru the forest. I found bushes so I decided to hide there,my feet hurt so bad and I felt kind of wieard. The Aerostats glided slowly thru the forest. They were searching for me. I was so tired and badly injured. I look up. «Where are they?» I ask myself quietly and got out of the bushes. I listen very carefuly and look around. I hear footseps. «Whos there?» I look back. «Aaaahh!» the Arostat starts shooting at me. «NO! You will not hurt her!» I hear someones voice,unfamiliar to me. I get up and look at the Aerostat. A green dragon,covered with blood destroyed the Aerostat. It was wieard cause it seemed the Aerostat didnt want to attack that dragon. When he destroyed him,he looked at me. «Oh my God! What are you?» I was shocked. I never seen such a thing. «I am a dragon. My name is Draco.» he sad. I better get out of here. «Im sorry but I think you should...» before I could finish the sentance he interupted me «No,you dont understand.» he sad with his gentle voice. I felt safe when I was around a strange way. «So you think your a dragon?» I asked. «I am a dragon...»he sad being 100% suhre of that. I walked away. «HEY!» he yelled «Where are you going?» I pick up a broken glass and threw it to him. «Look better you stupid robot!» I sad very angry «You cant fool me!» He was in shock. He came closer to the glass and see his reflection. «AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!» he yelled. And frightened me a bit. «See?» I sad «You are youst a machine. Thanks for saving me but you belong to a junkyard along with the rest of your cousins!» I turned around and left. He was very angry. When he saw that he wasnt a dragon afterall,but a machine. A destroyer of dragons. The Dragon Hunter. «AAAAAAAARGH!» I turned around. Draco jumped so high and fell on me. As he fell there was a hole in the gound. «OUCH!» now that hurt so much. Is this the end? Am i gonna die? I cant possibly kill a machine that is designed to destroy dragons like me. I guess this is it. «Pyron...I love you. Forgive me I failed.» I sad quietly and closed my eyes. «Gana.» I opened my eyes. He was calm. «Im not gonna hurt you. I couldnt. Tell me,who did this to me?» it sounds that he doesnt know anything. «What happened here?» He let me go so I got up. I was confused. He doesnt know what happened here? «Draco,Judgement day happened. Since we destroyed the dark army and almoast killed Buraki,he came up with a plan. He didnt want to be a dragon anymore. He wanted us dead. So he ordered his scinetist to make a virus,an army,not of dragons and creatures we met before,but of machines. Machines that are programed to do one thing. To destroy dragons and ones who rezist Buraki.» I explained «By the time Burakis virus became selfaware it spread into the milions of computer servers across the planet. Ordinary computers and office buildings,dorm rooms,everywhere. It was software,in cyber space. There was no sistem core. It could not be shutdown. The attack began at 6:18 p.m. just as my mom sad it would,Judgement day. The day the human race,dragons and other creatures were nearly destroyed by the wepons they built to protect themselves. I shouldave realized our destiny was never to stop Judgement day it was nearly to survive it,togeather. My mother knew,she tryed to tell us,but I didnt want to hear it. Maybe the future has been writen. I dont know. All I know what my friends thought me. Never stop fighting,and I never will. The battle has just begun.»

utorak, 28. srpnja 2009.

The beginning – Ewok Village

15th January 1796
The forest we were in 6 years ago is a forest where the trees are very tall and thick that the Sunlight doesnt reach the bottom. Thats why it was named Sunless forest.
At the very heart of the forest are Purple light gems where once in a year they play a song to lost travelers in the forest. With that song the fireflyes wake up,forming a path of light that leads towards the gems in the past and now leads to Ewok village.

«Ewok is in good standing my lord» Critias sad. «That is good news,of you go.» we had a new leader who was a wolf. His name was Galeru. And what happened to the old leader? He was killed. It was unknown who killed him. Critias was a furret. He was real cute and very strong. He allways played with me when I was a whelpling.
Critias exit the house where Galeru was and went up stairs to visit my mom. My mom was laying down. She hears knocking at the door, «Come in» she says with her gentle voice. Critias slowly opens the door and enters quietly «CRITIAAAAAAS!»
He turnes around «OH NO!» a little dragon whelpling jums at him «Hahahaha! Oh Gana will you ever stop jumping on me? Hahha!» he sad
«Let me! haha! I love you Critias!» I say and I hug him. «Awww,I love you too sweetheart. Wanna go outstide and play?» «YES!» I laugh and we went outside.
«Gana! Come back here you have to eat!» my mom was yelling «Oh mom...but Im not hungry!» she understood me and we went outside. «Nera,Kyle,Robby!» those were my best friends including Critias who was a furret and a mouse named Marlo,he loves accesories. «Hey Gana!» my friends sad runing towards me. «Whats up guys?» I asked. «We found something. You have to see it» Robby sad. «IT?!» I was confused. «C'mon Gana!» He pulls me. We went in a darker part of the forest. «Umm,guys something tells me we should not be here.» Kyle sad,and he was right. We definatly shouldnt be here. Something was behind the bushes. «W-what is that?» Nera asked. She was scared,and so was I,Kyle and Critias. «Oh,please. Theres nothing here that could scare me.» Robby sad. Kyle rolled his eyes. «What an idiot.» he sad. He touched the bushes and suddanly something jumed out of the bush and Robby started yelling. «Aaaaa! HELP ME ITS GONNA KILL ME!» WE LAUGHED «Robby relax!» Nera sad
«You stupid hero! Thats just a cat you red idiot! Hahaha!» Kyle yelled and started to laugh again. I came closer to Robby «Wow,you were right it is something. Hahaha!» he was ashamed then he looked at Kyle. «Hahaha! What a looser! Hahah!» Kyle sad. Robby was angry so he attacked Kyle. «Woah! Stop it I was just kidding..ah!» they fight eachother. «Kyle,Robby look out!» I yelled. They were rolling around and fell of a cliff. «! Kyle! Robby!» Nera and I yelled. We came to the edghe of the cliff and looked down. «You know I hate you right?» Kyle sad to Robby. «No way,thats incredible.»Robby sad. «We couldave died! If it werent for the brach we would fall!» Kyle yelled. Theyre tals were stuck on a branch. «Hahaa...hey guys hows it hanging? Hahah!» I laughed. «Funny...I will kill you shut up!» Robby sad. Nera,Critias and me were laughing out loud. «Ok,we get it. Its funny. So can you please stop that and save us!» Kyle yelled. «Ok as you wish master.» Nera sad and we helped them get up. It was nightfall so we returned to our homes.

The beginning – Azhi Dahaki tribe finding the light

I take you to the time where there were no humans that attacked dragons,no giant snakes that desire to steal the dragon orb and become a dragon,no laboratoryes and no experiments,but there were wars.
I take you to the day hen Ewok village was created. A home to dragons,elves,faries and humans. Humans much smaller then we know them today.
Okay then,so it goes...

9th of June year 1750
«Master Abrax,this forest is too dangerous,too dark. We have to turn back!»
«NO!» Abrax yelled «We came this far and you want to turn back? We will find it I promice!» Abrax was the leader of the Azhi Dahaki tribe. He was a black,very strong dragon that had elements such as fire and electricity. He was in love with a gray and white female dragon named Flora. She had the gift to predict the future. Flora is my mother and the very one Master Abrax,was my dad. There was a dragon that is believed to be the most powerfull dragon of all. A one of a kind purple dragon. Azhi Dahaki,he died of old age in the year 1454. In his honor,we named our tribe after him,so that he and his good deeds are remembered for a long time. Azhi Dahaki tribe was founded in the year 1457. «Master! It started! The song started!» sad Flora runing towards Abrax. «Yes. Now we have to wait for the fireflyes to rise up and show us the way.» he smiled at her. «You were right master! We really will find it!» sad a little white mouse. «Haha,Elliot. I gave a promice,and I shall fulfill it now. Everyone,this is our way» he turned around a pointed at the rising fireflyes. The fireflyes lined togeather forming a path leading towards the light. «Woah. Now thats power!» sad Elliot laughing. «After you!» Abrax sad bowing to Flora. She smiled and started to walk towards the light. All of them were very intence. When they finally reached the purple light «At last!» Abrax sad «We found our place. Everyone we shall start building our village tomorrow. The name is,Ewok village!»

ponedjeljak, 27. srpnja 2009.

Gana and Pyron pic

So this is my and PeregrinRaptors characters: Gana and Pyron. <3

petak, 24. srpnja 2009.

The reason

The reason Im here is beacouse I started this story on youtube and more people sigend up for it. So I decided that people who join later the story can read the beginning of the story here.
Im gonna start with the story on monday. Its really nice,so I hope you all enjoy it.
my youtube account:

So about my character:
Name: Gana
Special Ablities: controls the weather, can see the future
-Blue lightning(electricity)
With this element I can travel at high speeds and can reach temperatures hot enough to extend some distance into the ground (while runing). cause of that and electrical impulse that sends signals to radars,humans can track and hunt me down. Thats why I never use that gift.
I convert my electricity element into heat. The heat that can reach temperatures over 50,000 °C, it spreads around me in a form of steam.
Robin-older sister
boyfriend in story: Pyron!