utorak, 28. srpnja 2009.

The beginning – Ewok Village

15th January 1796
The forest we were in 6 years ago is a forest where the trees are very tall and thick that the Sunlight doesnt reach the bottom. Thats why it was named Sunless forest.
At the very heart of the forest are Purple light gems where once in a year they play a song to lost travelers in the forest. With that song the fireflyes wake up,forming a path of light that leads towards the gems in the past and now leads to Ewok village.

«Ewok is in good standing my lord» Critias sad. «That is good news,of you go.» we had a new leader who was a wolf. His name was Galeru. And what happened to the old leader? He was killed. It was unknown who killed him. Critias was a furret. He was real cute and very strong. He allways played with me when I was a whelpling.
Critias exit the house where Galeru was and went up stairs to visit my mom. My mom was laying down. She hears knocking at the door, «Come in» she says with her gentle voice. Critias slowly opens the door and enters quietly «CRITIAAAAAAS!»
He turnes around «OH NO!» a little dragon whelpling jums at him «Hahahaha! Oh Gana will you ever stop jumping on me? Hahha!» he sad
«Let me think....no! haha! I love you Critias!» I say and I hug him. «Awww,I love you too sweetheart. Wanna go outstide and play?» «YES!» I laugh and we went outside.
«Gana! Come back here you have to eat!» my mom was yelling «Oh mom...but Im not hungry!» she understood me and we went outside. «Nera,Kyle,Robby!» those were my best friends including Critias who was a furret and a mouse named Marlo,he loves accesories. «Hey Gana!» my friends sad runing towards me. «Whats up guys?» I asked. «We found something. You have to see it» Robby sad. «IT?!» I was confused. «C'mon Gana!» He pulls me. We went in a darker part of the forest. «Umm,guys something tells me we should not be here.» Kyle sad,and he was right. We definatly shouldnt be here. Something was behind the bushes. «W-what is that?» Nera asked. She was scared,and so was I,Kyle and Critias. «Oh,please. Theres nothing here that could scare me.» Robby sad. Kyle rolled his eyes. «What an idiot.» he sad. He touched the bushes and suddanly something jumed out of the bush and Robby started yelling. «Aaaaa! HELP ME ITS GONNA KILL ME!» WE LAUGHED «Robby relax!» Nera sad
«You stupid hero! Thats just a cat you red idiot! Hahaha!» Kyle yelled and started to laugh again. I came closer to Robby «Wow,you were right it is something. Hahaha!» he was ashamed then he looked at Kyle. «Hahaha! What a looser! Hahah!» Kyle sad. Robby was angry so he attacked Kyle. «Woah! Stop it I was just kidding..ah!» they fight eachother. «Kyle,Robby look out!» I yelled. They were rolling around and fell of a cliff. «AA..no! Kyle! Robby!» Nera and I yelled. We came to the edghe of the cliff and looked down. «You know I hate you right?» Kyle sad to Robby. «No way,thats incredible.»Robby sad. «We couldave died! If it werent for the brach we would fall!» Kyle yelled. Theyre tals were stuck on a branch. «Hahaa...hey guys hows it hanging? Hahah!» I laughed. «Funny...I will kill you shut up!» Robby sad. Nera,Critias and me were laughing out loud. «Ok,we get it. Its funny. So can you please stop that and save us!» Kyle yelled. «Ok as you wish master.» Nera sad and we helped them get up. It was nightfall so we returned to our homes.