subota, 10. listopada 2009.

A near death experience?

I was with the rest of the group sitting close to the fire that kept us warm. My heart was broken I have no reason to live...So I got up and flew to a cliff. I watched the horizon and taking a deep breath. The sea was wavey. It was very cold. I closed my eyes and jumped of the cliff. I fell in the sea,the waves were hard. I couldnt take breath,so I was sinking. I opened my eyes a little and I saw Pyron was next to me...also sinking. He faded away when someone grabed my hand and draged me to the shore. It was Flame. I was shaking and coughing. Flame: «What the hell were you thinking?» he asked me. I closed my eyes. Flame: «Its okay...Im here. I know what Pyron did to you...but Gana,I would never ever do that.» Gana: «I know...Flame..I know.» We got up and got back to the group. All of them were worried. I saw them all. There was sadness,anger and fear...all at once in theyre eyes. Gana: «Its okay...Im okay. Flame saved me.» Lagon: «What were you thinking Gana!?!» I didnt answer. I went to the fire and layed down. Flame put his wing over me to make me warm.
Suddanly we hear Nera: «GANA! Ganaaaaa!!!!» I got frightened so I stand up and came to Nera along with the rest of the crew. Gana: «What is it?» Nera: «Gana...its Pyron...he thinks your dead!» Gana: «What??» Nera: «Hes going to Burak's...he wants to die too...» oh no,what I've done?? Gana: «Couldnt you stop him??» Nera: «No..he allready left!» I go after him but Flame stopped me. Flame: «He left you Gana! He didnt want you anymore!» Gana: «Sorry I cant stay here and do nothing while Pyron is going to Buraki to kill himself just becouse he thinks Im dead!» Flame: «Please...stay here,for me.» Gana: «I...have to go...» I kiss him and take off to Buraki's with Nera. Nera: «Hes gonna get to the guards...Buraki will kill him if he comes too close,we cant just get there and yell cause they will kill all of us...we have to find another way....Gana? WAKE UP!»

«Wake up!»
I open my eyes: «Huh?»
Jane: «You have retarded dreams girl..I couldnt take no I had to wake u up some how...»
I get up and look around. I cage??
Gana: «What happened? JANE WHAT HAPPENED!?!??»
Jane: «I got u locked up until I take care of somethings for Buraki and Bulco.»
There were a couple of guards around her. How the hell are we disconected? If Im in a cage,she has to be here too.cause she cant go nowhere without me...unless,Buraki seperated us??
Jane: «Could u guys leave....I have to talk to the lil brat alone...»
They leave....
Gana: «Jane...what the hell is going on??»
Jane: «Nuthin'...just chillin'....killin'...»
Jane: «OK OK! No need 4 yellling...GOD! look after I beat Pyron I had to bring u here and lock u up.. but dont worry I will not let them harm you,ok?»
Gana: «You better...» Someone came in. It was Buraki and Bulco.
Jane bows. I was scared.
Buraki: «Well well well...I told u to get Pyron...but you got me something better. Hhehe. Now I have his heart in this cage! When I brake his little heart...I will brake him too! Hahahah!»
Bulco: *yeah right...not when Jane and I are around will not rule this world big guy...* «Yeah...his weak now! We just have to see if his smart too...»
Buraki: «Haha...bring her to the lab...we have to kill the baby..»
Jane: *gasp* What? Oh...uhmm..»
Gana: «No. JANE!» they take my cage. «JANE!!!! JANEEE HELP! NOOO!» I was crying and screaming. Jane was in shock. Bulco was standing next to her. Now,they are gonna kill Angel? And me??
Buraki: «Put her on that bed....»
Gana: «Noo! No PLEASE! DONT! ILL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY!» I was crying.
Jane: «Ok...we are still conected...we have to be...»
Bulco: «Think...Jane...Think!»
Jane: «I'll use my new power...thelecinesiss. I'll use it over her eyes» Jane coleses her eyes. I was screaming and crying. They were trying to put another drug in me.
Gana: «NOOOOOOOO!» I yell and the injections flew out of the scientists hands and durg them.
Buarki: «What is this?!?»
I looked at him. My eyes were white and bright. My body turned black.
Buraki: «Gana?»
I scream and all the glass in the room brake and the walls crack a little.
Buraki: «STOP THIS!»
I look at him again. He starts floating. Then I threw him on his guards that were coming after me. Jane and Bulco get into the room and untie me. We brake the wall and left for Dragonopolis.
Buraki: «GRRRRAAAAAAAR! Jane and Bulco betrayed me! Kill them...ALL. But bring Gana alive...Jane and her are only conected in mind...not in body and soul. I guess the others can see her now as she is Gana's twin sister. I am counting on you to get her back and to kill Jane and Bulco...Gana has new powers and I will have them...»
Assassin: «I shall not fail you!»