nedjelja, 25. listopada 2009.


The earthquacke of big imact stopped after 15 minutes. I was coughing. I just hoped my body survived. I didnt know where Anakin was,I didnt know what Buraki intends to do with me and when,but what I did know is that I have to find my family and friends. But,where am I? I crawled out of a little tunel and came to a big hall in underground ruins. Seemed like some of the ancestors were training here,it was dark but I was a fox and luckily,Anakin had a geart eyesight in the dark so it was no problem for me. I was looking around the big hall,so I decided to discover the powers Anakin has. So I sit down and think...concencrate. Feel the power Gana,feel it. I slowly open my eyes. I get up and found piece a shirt. I sniff it and close my eyes. In my head I saw everything and everyone with that shirt. What happened here and how did she came here. People were here and little children and dragon whelplings. There was an explosion,Burakis robots were shooting at them,many died. The survivors were taken to a big cage and carried away. Others ran thru a hidden tunel that had a mark of a cat on it. Gana: «Kyle?!» Vision stops. I open my eyes. Kyle was here,he escaped. Soon I found the hidden tunnel. It was tight,Kyle couldnt get thru here. I sniffed around and found his sent so I decided to follow it. It led into a bigger tunel. He was running away,very scared and tired. I saw he was wounded on his chest. The machines were runing after him,but he outruned them with his...electric power? Kyle can run as fast as I can? He never had that power,probably he has the gift to collect others powers,like he collected one Pyrons power?? Its not importaint,I have to find him. So I run faster and followed his sent. I saw everything that happened to him in that tunel. He was hurt badly. But that didnt stop him from running away. He was looking behind to see where to machines are but he fell into a hole. The vision stops. Soon I came to that hole. It was dark and quiet. I smelled again but I didnt see anything. Gana: « far down was it?» I pick up a rock and throw it in. 10 seconds passed then I hear a splash. Gana: «Water!» I jump in that hole and fall in the water. In this cave there were blue light crystals so it wasnt very dark. I get out of the water and start sniffing around. There was no sent. Gana: «Oh no...please...please!» I smell again. Nothing. Gana: «No..he couldnt drown!» I take a light crystal and throw it in the water. The crytsal sink down pretty deep. I couldnt go down there. I sit on a rock,I was thinking. How will I find him now? I close my eyes and think of Kyle. I feel electric impulse run thru my vanes and I open my eyes. My eyes were glowing white then I hear...Im cold. Very cold. I am laying down in snow with my own blood around me, my eyes are closed,as I count the last days of my life in my head thinking of the great times we had,my love. Bright light flashes. Gana: «Its snowing. Its outside,his outside!!» I try to sniff my way out by trying to smell snow. Then I saw big pile of rocks. I ran there and I move the big rock. I was outside,it was snowing. Gana: «Im out!!» Then I see blood drops in snow. Oh no,its Kyle. I sniff the blood and I get a picture of him laying down in snow. Pointing in the direction infront of me. So I start walking. An hour has passed,the vision cleared so I stop. I open my eyes. White snow all around me. I couldnt see Kyle. I look around until I see a glowing blue spot in the snow,then it stoped glowing. I ran there and start digging. I found him,I found Kyle. I dig him up and bring him to a cave that was 5 minutes from here. He wasnt breathing. I try to wake him up,but it was no use,he wouldnt respond. Gana: «Kyle..pleeease! I need you Kyle!» I sad thru tears «I need you! Kyle...wake up! Please...wake up!» he wasnt waking up,he wasnt breathing. He was very cold,he was dead.