subota, 12. rujna 2009.

Mistfalls Village part 5 – Secrets revailed,or maybe not?

A month has passed since Kyle left. And I felt weaker and weaker by each day. I lost apetite,I got thinner,I couldnt fight when we had training so I was excused. I was having nightmares every night. I started halucinating. Headackes everyday. I threw up blood. Whats happening to me? The same question over and over again.
Gana: «Im not so good....»
Jane: «Tell me about it.»
Jane and I were laying in a bed. I couldnt breather so I got up to get some air. I decided to go up the cliff. It was dawn so the horizon was very beautifull.
I sit down and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I opened them...what the?
Gana : «Huh??»
The storm was very strong. In the distance there were some dragons coming,blowing up the parts of the forest. My friends,they were gone. The screaming,the yelling... I looked down and I saw dragons and wolfs fighting. Pyron was trying to save Spirit from a dragon that kidnaped him. Nera and Robby fight other dragons. Then the storm started to be much more rough so it blew up Mistfalls Village. It was gone. I started to cry.
Gana: «NOOOOO!»
Jane: «Gana! Dont!»
The ground under my legs desappeared. I was falling. I lost conciousnes.
Voice: «Shes waking up.»
Gana: «what happened?»
Pyron: «U fell of the cliff. What happened?»
Gana: «Who saved me?»
Nera: «Gana,you saved yourself...remember? when u fell u flapped ur wings,and then you lost conciousness.»
Gana: «Oh...(it must be Jane) ...oh yes I remember» Althought it was a lie,I was shure Jane did that before she lsot conciousness too. If Jane wasnt there I would be dead now,she is stronger then me.
Doctor: «Gana,when I was examening you I had to get your blood. And I discovered that you have the mixure of Red Clover pison and Ergot poison.»
Gana: «What is that?»
Doctor: «Those r very very poisonous leafs,very dangerous cause the Red Clover has nitrate and Ergot has indole alkaloid,and when they r mixed the create drugs that kill or boost enegry. No from what I saw this month,you Gana,are dying.»
Gana and Pyron: «What??»
Doctor: «Im afraid so...but the drug kills instantly usually»
Gana: «How did I survive?»
Doctor: «Thats the same question I have been asking myself this whole month.»
Woah,now Im gonna die. But I guess Jane helped me survive theese months and I see she cant take it anymore. I dont know where is she. I lost conciousness.
Spirit: «Gana? Your a...a ghost?»
Jane: (woah,the kid can see me?) «Umm,yeah I guess I dead?»
Pyron: «I wont let you die Gana!» he sad and put his hands on me. Then I woke up.
Gana: (What happened to me?)
Jane: (they all thought ur dead...Pyron just removed the poison effect from ur vanes,but u kept it in ur body,so I guess we r more powerfull now. We just have to figure out our powers from time to time...)
Gana: (But we have to be carefull)
Pyron: «Gana you allright!!»
But...was I?