srijeda, 29. srpnja 2009.

The prediction

«Gana! Hurry!» Kyle was yelling from across the bridge «They will destroy the bridge! Hurry!» my wings were damaged. I couldnt fly. «KYLE! Watch out!» I yelled to warn him. The mashine that the humans called,Aerostat,was heading towards us. «Run Kyle!» I sad «No,Im not leaving you!» he sad
«I am the leader and when I say you go,you GO! Do as I say now!» I told him. He was looking at me «GO!» and so he did. The bridge colapsed. I couldnt fly. If I fly the Aerostats will kill me and besides my wings were hurt badly. So I started to run thru the forest. «Hey Im here! Follow me you stupid metal flying thing! Its me,Gana!» I yelled to destract Aerostat of following Kyle and others. «Dont worry Pyron,Im gonna save you!» I start runing. 3 or 4 Aerostats were flying after me,shooting at me. I ran as fast as I can thru the forest. I found bushes so I decided to hide there,my feet hurt so bad and I felt kind of wieard. The Aerostats glided slowly thru the forest. They were searching for me. I was so tired and badly injured. I look up. «Where are they?» I ask myself quietly and got out of the bushes. I listen very carefuly and look around. I hear footseps. «Whos there?» I look back. «Aaaahh!» the Arostat starts shooting at me. «NO! You will not hurt her!» I hear someones voice,unfamiliar to me. I get up and look at the Aerostat. A green dragon,covered with blood destroyed the Aerostat. It was wieard cause it seemed the Aerostat didnt want to attack that dragon. When he destroyed him,he looked at me. «Oh my God! What are you?» I was shocked. I never seen such a thing. «I am a dragon. My name is Draco.» he sad. I better get out of here. «Im sorry but I think you should...» before I could finish the sentance he interupted me «No,you dont understand.» he sad with his gentle voice. I felt safe when I was around a strange way. «So you think your a dragon?» I asked. «I am a dragon...»he sad being 100% suhre of that. I walked away. «HEY!» he yelled «Where are you going?» I pick up a broken glass and threw it to him. «Look better you stupid robot!» I sad very angry «You cant fool me!» He was in shock. He came closer to the glass and see his reflection. «AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!» he yelled. And frightened me a bit. «See?» I sad «You are youst a machine. Thanks for saving me but you belong to a junkyard along with the rest of your cousins!» I turned around and left. He was very angry. When he saw that he wasnt a dragon afterall,but a machine. A destroyer of dragons. The Dragon Hunter. «AAAAAAAARGH!» I turned around. Draco jumped so high and fell on me. As he fell there was a hole in the gound. «OUCH!» now that hurt so much. Is this the end? Am i gonna die? I cant possibly kill a machine that is designed to destroy dragons like me. I guess this is it. «Pyron...I love you. Forgive me I failed.» I sad quietly and closed my eyes. «Gana.» I opened my eyes. He was calm. «Im not gonna hurt you. I couldnt. Tell me,who did this to me?» it sounds that he doesnt know anything. «What happened here?» He let me go so I got up. I was confused. He doesnt know what happened here? «Draco,Judgement day happened. Since we destroyed the dark army and almoast killed Buraki,he came up with a plan. He didnt want to be a dragon anymore. He wanted us dead. So he ordered his scinetist to make a virus,an army,not of dragons and creatures we met before,but of machines. Machines that are programed to do one thing. To destroy dragons and ones who rezist Buraki.» I explained «By the time Burakis virus became selfaware it spread into the milions of computer servers across the planet. Ordinary computers and office buildings,dorm rooms,everywhere. It was software,in cyber space. There was no sistem core. It could not be shutdown. The attack began at 6:18 p.m. just as my mom sad it would,Judgement day. The day the human race,dragons and other creatures were nearly destroyed by the wepons they built to protect themselves. I shouldave realized our destiny was never to stop Judgement day it was nearly to survive it,togeather. My mother knew,she tryed to tell us,but I didnt want to hear it. Maybe the future has been writen. I dont know. All I know what my friends thought me. Never stop fighting,and I never will. The battle has just begun.»