subota, 5. lipnja 2010.

Intro to The Lovely Memories

My name is Gana. I was 19 years old when I was murdered on May 26th. I wasn't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. I was in the blue horizon between heaven and earth. The days were unchanging and every night I dream the same dream. The smell of damp earth. The scream no one heard. The sound of my heart beating like a hammer against cloth. But in my heart, I knew it wasn't perfect . I would hear them calling, the voices of the dead. I wanted to follow them to find a way out but I would always come back to the same door. And I was afraid. I knew if I went in there I would never come out. My murderer still haunted me. Everytime I shut my eyes I would see him. I would see his face,his eyes. The look that he had before he murdered me. I gotta make things right. I gotta find a way to make my murderer pay for what he has done to me. I never thought that he would do such a thing. I thought he was a friend,he was liying and I believed him. We all did. Pyron had the pieces but he couldn't make them fit. I waited for justice but justice did not come.
«Gana would never go off with some random stranger!» sad Pyron to Lagon and the others «So it had to be someone she knew!» Nera nodded «Yes,he is right! Her murderer had to be someone from Ember! Maybe he is still around here.» Everyone gasped and whispered to the person next to them. Then they started to argue. «Hey why are you judging us?» «I didnt kill her!» «Nor did I!» «Gana was a good friend and a great leader,but she is gone and it's a terible tragedy there's nothing we can do.» The other dragon agreed «Hes right. Ganas death is a terrible tragedy but what happened happend,it's time to put the past behind us and try to forget about her!» I put my head down. I was crying. It started raining. «If you say one of us killed her,maybe it was Pyron who did it! Or you,Nera!!» said one of the dragons.
«How can you say such a thing you bastard!» Pyron yelled and got up. Everybody else got up and started to argue. It was a mess,everyone was arguing exept this one dragon that,eversince I was murdered,was standing alone in the shadows listening to others,pretending to be a part of our team. Oh I wanted him to pay. I wanted him to suffer as I was suffering. I wish that he could feel the pain that I felt.
«QUIET!» Lagon yelled. Everyone shut up. «What kind of a crew are you?! Just look at yourselfs! Listen to what all of you are saying! You are all a mess. Noone is judging anyone for Ganas death! Her death is a mistery. Now that she is gone,the enemy forces will soon come to kill Pyron and it is in our best interest to keep him safe,for all our sakes. Pyron,you will get a new improoved hut.» Pyron was angry «Can you get me a new Gana aswell?!» Lagon looked at him «I'm staying in the one that Gana and I used to sleep in togeather!» He picked Angel up and left the hall.