petak, 8. siječnja 2010.


Pyron,Jane and Gana saved me from the Reaper, hes name happened to be Grim. Why havent I think of that? Its so obvious but hey,Im safe now. As we were flying away Davey Jones's figure appeared beside me. «Dont forget our deal little one. In 5 days at 7 p.m. I will find you with my crew no matter where you be. Dont even think about runing away. I can smell your blood,I can sence your fear.» he dissapeared. «Ah...» I brethe in and out. I was shaking a little but I didnt show it that much cause of Pyron. But Jane looked at me,like she knows somethings bothering me.
-1 Day

We were in Ember. We recieved a note that warned us about Flame who needed Buraki's help to remove the crystals in his wings. And he's doing this because a friend of his is being held captive. And Clayd,who happend to be on his way to the Goddess. I closed my eyes and saw something. The glimpse of the future came to me again. I got a headake.
«Gana its ok,your safe now. AAAAAAAA!»
«NO! Claaaaaaaaayd!»

I open my eyes. I was in shock. Clayd saved me from someone? Or something? «Gana lets go!» Pyron sad. «We will take Angel with us.» he was confused. «Your kidding?! If she goes out there...» I interupted him «I know. But it must be done Pyron.» I sad and we took off.
-1 Day

After little Clayd problems we headed to the White Isle where Pyron learned about the past of his father. He took it bad but finaly everything was ok. He was kinda happy when we got back to Ember. I wasnt. I was sitting at a little corner and stareing at one point while others were talking around the fire. Spirit-« Gana are you OK?» I didnt answer «Gana? Hey snap out of it!» I flinched. «Huh?» I sad like I just woke up after 10 years of deep sleep. «Are you ok?» he asked again. Gana-« Yeah Im fine,nothing to worry about I was just...» I stoped. Something was pulling me towards my room «Hold on...» I sad to him and enter my room. Pyron was looking at me. I tryed to avoid him but he came. «Gana hey what happened?» he asked «Nothing!» I sad very mean and kept walking. But he followed me. «Gana I know when your ok and when your not. Tell me whats...» but before he could finish I turned around and yell «Nothings happening,you STUPID DRAGON!» I was furyous. I felt the fire runing thru my vanes. Pyron was in shock and the others stoped talking. Angel came to me «Mom whats wrong with you?» she asked. «Shut up! And leave me alone!» I yell and enter my room leaving Pyron and the others. Whats happening to me? Sudanlly Jones appeared. «You got 3 more days missy.» I got scared. I took a step away from him,but he came closer and closer. «And youve done nothing,seemes to me that you will be in my crew.» I was shaking. He grabed my paw and showed it to me. A black spot appeared. «Your time is runing out.» he sad and disappeared just a second before Pyron and Angel came to my room. «Gana,whats wrong with you?» he asked. «Um...sorry Pyron I gotta...hide somewhere...» I sad and try to leave but he grabed my tail and pulled me back. «Hide from what?» he asked. I was afraid. «Gana I can see your scared,whats bothering you?» Sudanlly I felt like I wanna kill him just to save myself,but on the other half I couldnt. So I lied «Nothing its ok I just...I was kinda nervouse and angry and Im still scared of that reaper guy so...Im frustrated and Im so sorry.» I sad. He was sceptic but he let me go. Angel huged me but Pyron was very sad so he didnt even look at me he just got out of my room.
-1 Day

Pyron and I havent talked to eachother for a while. He was avoiding me eversince I blowed up on him yesterday. But I deserved that,I couldnt tell him that I am about to die,so I just use that time to hang out and live my last days...what is Anakin doin? I was going towards him. He was standing at the edge of a cliff. I stopped. «Oh no I gotta...» Kill him «..kill him!» I was runing towards him, he was sitting at the edge with his eyes closed, I pushed him off the cliff. «Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!» he screamed and fell down. He was not moving. «Anakin!» I heared Pyron and flew away. I was crying. I landed infront of a cave on a mountain not so far from Ember. If Ember was above ground Id see it from there. I was scared. It seems that the prediction is coming true. What if I do kill 100 innocent souls,99 counting Anakin out. Oh my God what am I saying? Shut up Gana,you wont do that you wont... «Hey shut up!» what the? I rase my head up. «Who are you? What...are you?» the creature is coming closer to me. «Your in my cave,since your not a male I wont banish you from here.» the dragon came out. A pretty strong one. «How rude of me....» the dragon sad «...I am Draco.» Draco?? DRACO? THE Draco that gets captured and turned into a machine? That Draco?! Im in shock. But werent we suppose to meet far in the future? In the middle of my escape from Aerostats? Then he was going to save me? Wow so many questions,lighten up Gana. Nono...I cant,Im stressed out. «Im Gana...nice to meet you Draco.» I sad finally. «I can sence and see that you got a problem Gana....» way? Every living thing can sence that cause Im erupting tsunami waves of bad energy all around me. Draco came closer to me and grabs my paw. «Hey...what are you doing?» He wasnt answering he just closed his eyes. After a few moments he opens them. «You have so much problems in your life Gana. But theres one good news,your friend Anakin is alive and he didnt see you pushing him off the cliff. And your deal with Jones? You know that he will get you?» he sad. I assume that he can read minds by touch so he knows what happened. «I know...I allready seen it.» he breathes in and out. «OK...» he sad. Oh my Im in trouble. Im in trouble. But I cant kill 100 innocent lifes. I wont. «I know you wont...» he sad. Huh? He can read... «...your mind. Yes. I can hear and see what are you thinking about.» Then I should be careful around you,better not say anything stupid about you. «Haha. I believe that you,missy,want to go back to Ember and apologize to everyone.» I noded and flew away. I was feeling better. Kinda happy. «Oh...» I got a headake. I see Pyron. «Pyron!» I call him. He looks at me,he was angry. «Py...» I black out and fall into the trees. «Oh no...Gana!» I hear Pyron calling me. Hes voice is so far away.

*flash* -1 DAY
«Your soul is mine now....hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaa!»

«AAAAAAH NO!» I scream.
Pyron: «Gana its ok! What happend?»
Gana: «I just....had a bad dream. Are you OK?»
Pyron: «Yes I am...ofcourse. But I got so freaked out when you fell from that height I thought I lost you.»
I was getting scared again. I saw another prediction and this time I was Davey Jones's servant. Id better spend my last days happy with my family and friends who,its better,dont know whats going on.
Gana: «Its OK,Im OK. Pyron,how long was I out?»
Pyron: «One day...»
Oh no...that means tomorrow,Davey Jones will get me. I lift my paw and I see the black spot got bigger. What am I going to do? I must not tell him...I must not...
Gana: «IM DEAD!» I yell
Pyron: «WHAT???»
Gana: «I...I am not dead literaly Im just...dead!»
Pyron: «Gana your scareing me. What are you talking about?»
I told Pyron everything,to the last detail what happened.
Pyron: «I will do anything to save you!»
Gana: «You cant rase me up from the dead Pyron.»
He wasnt saying anything. Gana: «Look...we will be togeather today and tomorrow until he comes. Just promice me you wont tell Angel that I made a deal with him. Just tell her that Im going on a trip and Im not gonna be back for a long time.» We both start crying.
Pyron: «No..Im not gonna let you go!»
Gana: «Im allready gone Pyron...» I look at the black spot,then Pyron does. It covered my paw. Pyron: «There must be a way!» Gana: «No there isnt. You cant stop the faith of what gonna happen to you,specially not me or someone else.» Pyron: «Maybe you cant,but I can. I will! I will stop Jones from taking you away from me even if I have to give my soul to him» Gana: «I will NOT let you do that!» Pyron: «You cant stop me remember? Your dead!» I was in shock. Gana: «No Pyron. Davey Jones can not and wont delete the deal he and I made,if you offer his soul to him he will take both of us! Dont do this to me!!» I cry again. Pyron: «Im sorry...I dont want to loose you...» Gana: «Its OK...» Pyron: «But there is a way to cheat death...» Gana: «What?» Pyron: «I challange Davey Jones....In a game of Pirate Dice.» Gana: «No...Pyron you dont know how to play that!» Jones: «I accept!» he appears behind us. Jones: «Hahahaha!»