nedjelja, 6. lipnja 2010.

Has the future really been written?

I open my eyes. «That was a wieard dream.» I got up and drinked water. I was looking at the horizon,then I saw someone. A withe dragon with golden eyes. Her wings were like feathers. «What the....A....A-A..» It was her. The dragoness from my dream? Arya? «Gana. You have to stop him before that future becomes the truth» The future? Oh my God,is it possible that my powers have returned. I never looked so deep into the future before. I gotta go warn everyone. I gotta find... «Find your murderer, Flame. Try to stop him,heal him before he gets the message from Buraki.» «Message from Buraki?» I asked «Yes,he is the reason why Flame will kill you. Buraki controls him,you gotta lock him up and destroy the mind controling particles that Buraki has inflicted in his vanes and brain!» «How do I do that?!» I asked «Use your gifts!» she sad and vanished. I ran back to Ember to find Flame and lock him up in the dungeons before he gets Burakis message. But now I remembered what my mother used to say before I left the village: "Remember Gana,if you see yourself dead you know it is your destiny and you should not be interfereing in that. If you do,bad things will happen. Too bad that I can not even speak about it..." So I actually never found out what it was but I will try to save Flame from his death and me from my death. To save Pyron and Angel from that awfull memory that will hit them like a thunder of bad emotions. I gotta stop it. Whatever bad happens to me, I allways find a way to end it. So I will find a way to end this,whatever will happen to me if I interfere. I got to a valley where Flame and Pyron and others were,having a good time,everyone was kinda happy. Even Flame was. But from what I saw in the future I still felt those anger,fury and sadness towards him. I gotta make him do whatever I want before Buraki does. So I got up to him. "Flame!" He turned around and smiled. "Hey Gana. Whats up?" I didnt say anything. I just looked at him.
You will obay me. You will follow my every command. Buraki inflicted something into you that is gonna make you kill me. You gotta fight it, you gotta listen to me and to me only. Why would I listen to you? Cause if you listen to Buraki,you will die!

subota, 5. lipnja 2010.

The Lovely Memories ( where to start )

Uhm ok I had to write this cause I didnt pst anything from January so you start reading "The Lovely Memories" from the Intro to the new chapter! :) Its all in this month!

Final goodbye and Justice is served

Lagon and others found Pyron and broth him to the hospital. He was sleeping. I knew then,he would never give me up. He would never count me as one of the dead. He had loved me as much as he could. I had to let him go. I entered a hut and looked around. The hut where my murderer lives. I saw him. He was just sitting. Looking at an old vault. I felt some vibes. My body....he put my body in that vault. He got up and covered that vault with some old blankets and took it with him to a sink hole. I didnt bother to follow him. I thought of Pyron and appeared in the room where he was sitting. Thinking of me,of what I would do now. «Pyron...» I sad. He looked at the window. He was confused. He close his eyes. I walked closer to him. «Open your eyes!» I say quietly. He opens his eyes and sees me. «G...Gana!?» he was in shock. «I love you Pyron.» I sad «I love you too Gana» we kissed
My murderer threw my body in the sink hole by the time Lagon and other catched up with him. He was declared innocent cause there was no evidence of him that he killed me. He felt safe and sad at same time. He left Ember to start a new life. He got in a village called Brookley where he lived a normal life and he decided to take his secrets with him to the grave. But his live was coming to an end...while he was going home he took an old shortcut over a bridge that hasent been active for over 200 years. When he was walking over it the bridge colapsed. He took flight but parts from the bridge hit him in the head,he fainted and fell and the whole bridge fell on him. His body has never been found. That prooves that there is a God and his destiny has been written long time ago.
Few days later,when Pyron and Angel came to my room, I realized that all this time, I had been waiting for them. I had been waiting so long, I was afraid they wouldn't come. Nobody notices when we leave. I mean, the moment when we really choose to go. At best you might feel, a whisper or the wave of a whisper, undulating down. I was here for a moment, and then I was gone.

Thru the cornfields

Allways I would watch Pyron. I was in the air around him. I was in the cold winter mornings he spent with Nera. And sometimes Pyron would think of me. But he began to wonder,maybe it was time to put that memory away. Maybe it was time to let me go.
Angel played catch with Sprit. She grew up. She is so beautifull. My little girl,turned 17. I am so proud of her. «Got it!» She yelled. But she stopped and looked at the hut where my murdere was staying. She was feeling uncomfortable around him eversince I died. Like she knew what happened. My murderer had finally tuned instincts. He knew my daughter had began to wonder about the solitary dragon who lived in the green hut. She seemed intent on crowding him and he resented it. He began to feel a familiar ich. Buraki: «She know what you have to do...»
So he followed the order and came up with a plan. He was building something in the woods at the place where he murdered me. Pyron saw him and came to check on him . «What are you doing? You hunting?» he asked him. «Uhmm...yes!!» he answered. «Need help?» «Its ok I can do it alone...» «Nono...allow me.» Pyron sad and started helping him around the project. He also looked around. Suddanly he felt fear. He flinched,he heard my scream for help. «You ok Pyron ?» Pyron looked at him. « better go take rest Pyron.» he sad and took off. Pyron was looking at him. Pyron.... he heard my voice. «Huh!» he gasped «Wai....waaait! Stop! What did you DO WITH GANA?!?! You son of a b****!!! What did you do to heeeeeeeeeeer?!?» He was flying after him but it was fog so he couldnt see where he went. He came back to Ember and told Lagon everything. «But you need evidence,proof that he killed her Pyron!» Lagon sad to that «I know....I just,feel it. Its in the air around him.» «Well the police doesnt feel it. You gotta have proof. I know he has been acting wieard lately,but he can also be just sad and depressed.» Pyron didnt say anything. «where are yo going?» Lagon asked «To take a walk...» he sad and left. But he wasnt going for fresh air,he wanted to kill my murderer. He knew deep inside he is guilty. He saw him leaving his hut and went to a cornfield. He went after him. I was looking.
«I want him dead!» I sad «I want him...cold and dead! With no blood in his vanes!» I turned to Arya. She kept her head down. «Look at me. Look at what he did to me.» I was saying thru tears «What am I now? The dead girl? The lost girl? The missing girl?!? IM NOTHING!»
Pyron entered the cornfields. «Where are you?! Come out and face me! Come out! Oh I see you!» Pyron jumped but not at him. He pounced a werewolf. The werewolf got scared and attacked Pyron. «NOOOO! Pyrooooon!» I screamed. The werewolf hurt him bad. He didnt move. I cryed.

The Place Between

Misteryous dragon: «Gana,can you come with me for a few minutes to the forest? I need to show you something...»
Gana: « Sure.»
I went with him there,not worried and not thinking what will happen. I was so naive. «What is it?» I asked him. «Its over here. Look!» He sad pointing at something. «I dont see anything!» I sad «Come closer....» So I did. «...dont worry,I am not gonna hurt you.» I looked at him. I began to feel fear. I did not trust him. So I wanted to go. «Umm...sorry but I have to go. Pyron is waiting for me.» «No he is not...dont lie to me.» he sad. «Be polite,Gana.» I was afraid. I tryed to runaway but he stopped me. I couldnt move. I was cold. I closed my eyes.

I'm slipping away, that's what it feels like, life is leaving me, but I'm not afraid; then I remember: There is something I am meant to do; somewhere I am meant to be.
«Pyron?» I saw the red dragon looking at the beautifull horizon. «Pyron!!» I ran towards him. He looked at me,but didnt say anything,he was just standing there on the big rock. «Pyron!» I ran thru the corn fields towards him,but I fell into the water. As I was getting closer to Pyron it was getting deeper and deeper.

«Oh it's time to get ridd of this last piece of her stuff...» my murderer sad and threw the necklace that Pyron gave to me in the water.

The water was getting deeper and deeper. I couldnt stand. Something was pulling me to the bottom. «Pyrooon!» I took breath and sank to the bottom. The water disappeared. I opened my eyes and got up. I was in a forest. «Is this yours?» Anakin asked Pyron while he was sitting on a large rock watching the sunset. He looked at the little cristal blue neklace he gave to me few months ago. «Wha...where did you get that?!?» I gasped. He was scared and sad and angry at same time. The emotions...feelings were mixing up in his heart. «I found it. At the coast. Waves mustave brought it here. When I saw it I sniffed it, and it lead me to you» I never hated anyone. I never felt anger or fury. But now that is the only thing I feel. My murderer can live in one moment for a long time. He could feed of the memory over and over again. He was a monster. Faceless. Infinite. But then he would feel it. The emptyness returning. And the need would rise in him again.

Buraki: «I can still see you. I can still make you do things you would never ever do. Bad things,that noone would ever do!»
Misteryous dragon: «No,leave me alone!!!»

Anakin sit next to Pyron. He looked at my neklace «I never knew a dead dragon. I used to think that dragons are lost,frozen...»
«It means gone! Shes gone...» sad Pyron
«But what if she isnt. What if shes...still here?» Anakin looked at the neklace and remembered. Remembered what happened:
«3 nuts to go....this is so fun....Im so bored.» Anakin sad. He was walking thru the woods. Sudanlly he heard someone running. He turned around «Gana?»
I ran pass him,screaming for help. Anakin looked in shock,he didnt believe what he saw. «Oh no... whats happening?»
Anakin told Pyron what he saw there in the woods. He followed the path to where I was going and saw the neklace at the coast. «What? You mean,you saw her alive?» Pyron was confused. «No...I dont know. It was something I never seen before. I felt goosebumps ,then I turned around and saw her. She was running,passed me and screaming for help. Then she sudanlly faded away. And Pyron, I usually feel goosebumps if theres presance of a ghost close to me.» Pyron was in shock. He sad nothing,he just left.
«You are not suppose to do that!»
I flinched and looked around. «Im up here.» I looked up. «Do what?» I asked. «You touched him,that fox. Thats why he saw you. You are not suppose to do that,do you want him to live with the memory to the rest of his life?»
«Huh? Who are you?» The dragoness landed. She was white with gold eyes,her wings were feathers. She was beautifull,like an angel. «Im Arya. Nice to meet you Gana.» «Arya is a strange name.» I sad and smiled. «yeah I know, but its not mine, I borrowed it. You can do a lot of things up here.» she sad and walked away. «Hey,wait!» I followed her. «up here? You mean,like .... heaven?» she laughed «You are so funny....» I was confused «This is not heaven. Youre not there yet.» she explained. «Then what....» i didnt finish the sentance. My breath was taken away by the beauty of the nature that surrounded us. On the right side was a beautifull day. There was a river and a valley with lots of flowers that continued the path to the left side. On the left side it was midnight,full moon shining and sky,with millions of stars. That was the most beautifull thing I have ever seen. «Oh my.... this place...isnt heaven,isnt Earth...its bits of both!» I smiled. I felt happy again. Arya sad that there was a wide,wide heaven. Beyond everything we knew. Where there was no cornfield,no memory,no grave. But I wasnt looking beyond yet. I was still looking back. «you cant go back» Arya sad. I looked at her. «who are you?» I asked and stepped back. «Its over,come with me.» she sad. «I dont know you. Why are you here?» I asked. «You need to let go of Earth. Youre dead Gana,you have to leave.» I didnt say anything. I was looking at her. «I have to go home.» I finally sad. I took flight. I flew for sometime,then I saw a casibo. I landed and got in there. I saw Pyron. «Pyron....»I sad. He was with Angel in our room in Ember. He looked thru the window. Like hes looking at me. Like he knows where am I. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Arya came. «Its ok...Pyron knows Im here. He knows that Im ok.» I smiled.
«Dad?» Angel opened her eyes. «I saw momy. She came to me. She kissed me on the forehead.» Pyron hugged her «I saw her too.» he sad and layed down with her. «Gana,we miss you.» he sad quietly.

Intro to The Lovely Memories

My name is Gana. I was 19 years old when I was murdered on May 26th. I wasn't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. I was in the blue horizon between heaven and earth. The days were unchanging and every night I dream the same dream. The smell of damp earth. The scream no one heard. The sound of my heart beating like a hammer against cloth. But in my heart, I knew it wasn't perfect . I would hear them calling, the voices of the dead. I wanted to follow them to find a way out but I would always come back to the same door. And I was afraid. I knew if I went in there I would never come out. My murderer still haunted me. Everytime I shut my eyes I would see him. I would see his face,his eyes. The look that he had before he murdered me. I gotta make things right. I gotta find a way to make my murderer pay for what he has done to me. I never thought that he would do such a thing. I thought he was a friend,he was liying and I believed him. We all did. Pyron had the pieces but he couldn't make them fit. I waited for justice but justice did not come.
«Gana would never go off with some random stranger!» sad Pyron to Lagon and the others «So it had to be someone she knew!» Nera nodded «Yes,he is right! Her murderer had to be someone from Ember! Maybe he is still around here.» Everyone gasped and whispered to the person next to them. Then they started to argue. «Hey why are you judging us?» «I didnt kill her!» «Nor did I!» «Gana was a good friend and a great leader,but she is gone and it's a terible tragedy there's nothing we can do.» The other dragon agreed «Hes right. Ganas death is a terrible tragedy but what happened happend,it's time to put the past behind us and try to forget about her!» I put my head down. I was crying. It started raining. «If you say one of us killed her,maybe it was Pyron who did it! Or you,Nera!!» said one of the dragons.
«How can you say such a thing you bastard!» Pyron yelled and got up. Everybody else got up and started to argue. It was a mess,everyone was arguing exept this one dragon that,eversince I was murdered,was standing alone in the shadows listening to others,pretending to be a part of our team. Oh I wanted him to pay. I wanted him to suffer as I was suffering. I wish that he could feel the pain that I felt.
«QUIET!» Lagon yelled. Everyone shut up. «What kind of a crew are you?! Just look at yourselfs! Listen to what all of you are saying! You are all a mess. Noone is judging anyone for Ganas death! Her death is a mistery. Now that she is gone,the enemy forces will soon come to kill Pyron and it is in our best interest to keep him safe,for all our sakes. Pyron,you will get a new improoved hut.» Pyron was angry «Can you get me a new Gana aswell?!» Lagon looked at him «I'm staying in the one that Gana and I used to sleep in togeather!» He picked Angel up and left the hall.