utorak, 27. listopada 2009.

nedjelja, 25. listopada 2009.


Somethings wrong. I get out of the cave and I see dragons above me flying and shooting fire bombs at the machines. I see Lagon. Gana: «Ah! HEEEEYY!!» I yell. He looks at me and comes down. Lagon: «Its okay fella I got you now...» fella? I'll kill him later. Soon he takes off and after 30 minutes of intense bombing and aerostats shooting at us,we came in a forest. Lagon puts me down. Lagon: «Whats your name?» Gana: «Uhm...Im actually Ga... I am warning you,if you tell anyone who you really are I will activate that bomb inside of you and everyone including your baby will DIE!» I Was shaking. Lagon: «Your name?» Gana: «Im..Anakin» Lagon: «Well...Im Lagon. Now get inside this cave,Sparx will lead you to the underground city of Ember.» Gana: «Ember? Wasnt that...just a legend?» Lagon: «Yes...but we found it...now go.» so Sparx leads me to the gates of Ember and shows me were the rest of the group is. I saw Pyron,Angel and Nikki. Nikki??? *gasp* Gana: «Grrrrrr....» Sparx: «Whats wrong? See any enemy of your there?» Gana: «Yes...I do. Grrrrrrr!» I was furious. Look at her,snuggeling and hugging Angel. Kissing Pyron. Gana: «Kissing Pyron?!?!??!? Oh no you DONT» Sparx: «Huh?» I roar and attack Nikki and I bite her neck. Pyron grabs me and throws me, so I hit a rock. And that hurt a lot. Gana: «Ough...» I look at them. Pyron hugs Nikki. Nikki: «Grr...stupid little fox!» Gana: «Huh? Who you calling stupid,you little tramp! GRRRRR!» I was so mad and angry. Nikki and Pyron gasp. Pyron: «OK I dont know who you are and what you want from Nikki....» Gana: «I wanna barrie her alive with Burakis machines!» I interrupt him. Lagon: «OK easy now. What did Nikki ever do to you Anakin?» Gana: «Oh I'll tell you what...she was trying from the first day she appeared in our lives,to steal Pyron away from me! After our first battle she gave up and told me that mine and Pyrons love was unbreakable..but I see that those were just words,Pyron you disappointed me!» Everyone was looking in shock. Nikki: «Dont tell me you had a relationship with a fox!» Pyron: «NO! This fox is crazy! Look man,Idk how you knew about that...but my real love,Gana,is dead. Ok? Dead,and shes not coming back,ever. I saw her body in the ruins, then Buraki and others came and picked her up,there was nothing I could do!» Gana: «....YES YOU COULD! You couldave stopped them from taking me..I mean Gana away! And if you and Gana are truly conected...how come you arent feeling her presance now?» Pyron: «What are you talking about?» Gana: «Oh my dear Red...Gana is here,in this room...right now. And shes watching you. She saw you and Nikki kissing. And I've gotta say...she is very,very ANGRY!» Pyron: «Nikki kissed me...cause she wanted to cheer me up,I was crying after Gana. I could never ever cheat on Gana...» Gana: «I believe you...things are messed up,and I cant say anything without the worst things happening. Pyron just take care of Angel,Lagon you keep being a good leader, Nera,Spirit and others be brave and stay alive...Nikki...just stay away from Pyron ok? Cause I will seriously barrie you alive....Im just kidding,take care.» she smiles. I put my head down and I go to my hut. Pyron: (theres just something about this fox,very familliar...) «Angel...stay here with Nikki. I have to take care of something.» Pyron follows me to my hut. I was laying down. Pyron: «Gana? Is that you?» I was in shock. I look at him. Gana: «NO...I am not Gana. I am Anakin.» he looks at me. Pyron: «Yes...I can see you...you are Gana!» Gana: «NO I am NOT Gana! I just...have...the power to see the past of the...people,dragons..just when I look at them..and...I am...very sencetive...» I try to lie. Pyron: «Hmmm...I'll pretend to believe you...» he leaves. Lagon: «What happened Pyron?» Pyron: «That fox...I sence its Gana,but something is bothering her...something very bad is happening and I have to findout what...» soon,the bell rings and the real Anakin with my body appears. I get out of the hut and I look in shock. Gana: «Oh no...» Lagon: «See? Thats fox is not Gana...»he says and runs towards Anakin. I look at Pyron. Pyron: «Hmm...that is not Gana. Just look at her. She is confused,I can see she doesnt know our friends.» he says to Spirit. Spirit: «Yeah...she is acting wieard...somethings not wright.»


Kyle...was dead. Dead. Dead. The words that kept repeating them selves in my head. I was crying the whole night. Kyles body was on the otehr side of the cave. I was shaking. The night was cold and dangerous. Snow storm was raging the entire night. He was dead. Oh,there it goes again! He is dead...hes not coming back. Gana: «He...is not...coming...back, every again.» I cry more now. ???: «Gana...dont forget me! Please!» I look around,Gana: «Huh? Kyle?» he was standing infront of me,I look behind him,his body was still there. I was in shock. Kyle: «Dont forget me. If you do I'll die.» Gana: «But you allready are dead!» Kyle: «No...if you forget me,I will die.» Gana: «What??» Suddanly the earth starts shaking and Kyle and his body dissapear. Gana: «Kyle??» a bomb exploded I fell down.


The earthquacke of big imact stopped after 15 minutes. I was coughing. I just hoped my body survived. I didnt know where Anakin was,I didnt know what Buraki intends to do with me and when,but what I did know is that I have to find my family and friends. But,where am I? I crawled out of a little tunel and came to a big hall in underground ruins. Seemed like some of the ancestors were training here,it was dark but I was a fox and luckily,Anakin had a geart eyesight in the dark so it was no problem for me. I was looking around the big hall,so I decided to discover the powers Anakin has. So I sit down and think...concencrate. Feel the power Gana,feel it. I slowly open my eyes. I get up and found piece a shirt. I sniff it and close my eyes. In my head I saw everything and everyone with that shirt. What happened here and how did she came here. People were here and little children and dragon whelplings. There was an explosion,Burakis robots were shooting at them,many died. The survivors were taken to a big cage and carried away. Others ran thru a hidden tunel that had a mark of a cat on it. Gana: «Kyle?!» Vision stops. I open my eyes. Kyle was here,he escaped. Soon I found the hidden tunnel. It was tight,Kyle couldnt get thru here. I sniffed around and found his sent so I decided to follow it. It led into a bigger tunel. He was running away,very scared and tired. I saw he was wounded on his chest. The machines were runing after him,but he outruned them with his...electric power? Kyle can run as fast as I can? He never had that power,probably he has the gift to collect others powers,like he collected one Pyrons power?? Its not importaint,I have to find him. So I run faster and followed his sent. I saw everything that happened to him in that tunel. He was hurt badly. But that didnt stop him from running away. He was looking behind to see where to machines are but he fell into a hole. The vision stops. Soon I came to that hole. It was dark and quiet. I smelled again but I didnt see anything. Gana: «Hmm...how far down was it?» I pick up a rock and throw it in. 10 seconds passed then I hear a splash. Gana: «Water!» I jump in that hole and fall in the water. In this cave there were blue light crystals so it wasnt very dark. I get out of the water and start sniffing around. There was no sent. Gana: «Oh no...please...please!» I smell again. Nothing. Gana: «No..he couldnt drown!» I take a light crystal and throw it in the water. The crytsal sink down pretty deep. I couldnt go down there. I sit on a rock,I was thinking. How will I find him now? I close my eyes and think of Kyle. I feel electric impulse run thru my vanes and I open my eyes. My eyes were glowing white then I hear...Im cold. Very cold. I am laying down in snow with my own blood around me, my eyes are closed,as I count the last days of my life in my head thinking of the great times we had,my love. Bright light flashes. Gana: «Its snowing. Its outside,his outside!!» I try to sniff my way out by trying to smell snow. Then I saw big pile of rocks. I ran there and I move the big rock. I was outside,it was snowing. Gana: «Im out!!» Then I see blood drops in snow. Oh no,its Kyle. I sniff the blood and I get a picture of him laying down in snow. Pointing in the direction infront of me. So I start walking. An hour has passed,the vision cleared so I stop. I open my eyes. White snow all around me. I couldnt see Kyle. I look around until I see a glowing blue spot in the snow,then it stoped glowing. I ran there and start digging. I found him,I found Kyle. I dig him up and bring him to a cave that was 5 minutes from here. He wasnt breathing. I try to wake him up,but it was no use,he wouldnt respond. Gana: «Kyle..pleeease! I need you Kyle!» I sad thru tears «I need you! Kyle...wake up! Please...wake up!» he wasnt waking up,he wasnt breathing. He was very cold,he was dead.


...Scilence...Do not wake her up....hahaha...take her to my lab and put her next to that fox...we shall play a little game with them. Muahaha...
Gana: «Huh?» I dont feel my wings,my paws...I feel kinda fluffy. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I get up,there was a mirror opposite my glass cage. I look at myself in the mirror. What the...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I wasnt myself...I was a red fox! Gana: «Oh my GOD!!» is..that my voice? I have a male voice!!??!
???: «Dont panick...I got worse...» I heard myself. I look around and I see myself in anotehr cage. Gana: «What the hell is going on? Why do you have my body?»
???: «Ahh...Im Anakin. You have my body and I have yours...Buraki switched our sould,hes playing a game with us...Dont ask me what game cause I dont know.» I was so confused,I guess they left Jane,so I hope she finds Pyron an dothers and tells them Im not dead.
Jane: «GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!» she was in a box sent to Africa.
Gana: «Oh my God...Jane is in Africa. Im stuck here! GOD NO! I will kill Buraki. Well,do I still have my powers?» I try to breathe fire and electricity,it was no use. I try to see what will happen in the next 40 minutes,I couldnt see anything. Buraki was smart,he only switched our souls not our powers so I hope Pyron can sence me. I try to contact him so I close my eyes and think of him. I see his lost,in a forest with Angel hidden in a bush. Hes talking to..Jessica? I open my eyes. Gana: «OK,she will help him find me...no worries...I will be back in my body.» Anakin rolls his eyes: «Dont get you hopes on....» Scientists and guards come and take us to Buraki. Oh my...he was very big. Gana: «No longer a snake,eh Burki?» Buraki: «Hmm...no longer a dragon,eh Gani?» Gana: «Why did you switch 2 complete strangers?» Buraki: «Well...its better to switch two strangers and besides...your powers are eaqul,so I choose Anakin and you. But Anakin is alone,you have a family. Will you play my game? Or will you escape and kill your Angel and friends?» I was confused. Gana: «Oh I will escape allright as soon as I kill you,free other prisioners and...why should I kill my Family?» Buraki smiles: «I am allaways one step ahead of you Gana. You see,after I switch you two I put a chip in you heads and a little bomb in your stomack that exploeds on my command. I can see where your going and what your doing and what you intend to do before you do it in my head and I can control you with my mind. You two have the same chip installed like my robot army,soon the rockets will destroy mayor cityes and I will rule the world!» Gana: «In your dreams butface!» he looks at me angry and I punch myself in the nose. Gana: «Oh! Why you....» Buraki: «Dont make me kill yourself. Now...level one is in single player...good luck.» A bright light flashes and I appear in the Great Hall ruins. Gana: «Oh..ouch. uh?» I look around. Gana: «Oh no...so it started.» the rockets were sent to destroy every city on planet,many creatures and humans were wiped out of the face of the Earth. Before the big impact I found a cave that led to the underground ruins so I hide there. I survived Judgement day. But did Jane,Pyron and others survived too?

petak, 23. listopada 2009.

Lost Moon

I was like a lost moon – my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic,disaster movie scenario of desolation – that continued,nevertheless,to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind,ignoring the laws of gravity. We had little battles againts noumerous of enemys that Buraki didn't even sent after us,they were on theyre own,having theyre bosses. But the battle would never end by a side wining it. It was stopped,over and over again. I can't take it anymore. I wont. I have to get out of here,as soon as Hallows eve passes. I cant let my child to be born in sorroundings of evil,darkness,wars and worries...so its time to find The Garden of Hope. There a little Angel will hatch,and the final days of freedom are soon to be over. The prophecies were right,Judgement day starts.
Theres a storm coming Gana. Judgement day is not a faryie tail,its gonna happen. In 3 years from this day at 6:18 p.m. you cant stop it,you have to survive it!
My mom's last words to me and I cant believe 3 years have passed since I last saw her. I dont know what happened to her. Some say she went crazy and they are keeping her locked up in an underground prision for an eternety,some say she was too sad and desperate that she didnt have any reason to live so she killed herself and the worst of them all...that Buraki,turned her into a blood thirsty monster,half dragon half machine. But those were just rumores. Very unpleasant rumores that made me feel very sad and guilty for everything bad that happened in my life and to the others around me.
We were in Dragonopolis it was dark,the battle againts the reapers was wieard and different from any other battles we had before. Im glad its over. But I had a problem. My stomack hurt very bad so I woke up: «Gah! Oh no...Its time...» I say very quietly. Pyron was sleeping next to me in a Hreat Hall where the others were sleeping too. My stomack hurt bad I couldnt walk. So I crawled slowly out of the Great Hall and took flight. Jane woke up. Jane: *yawn* Huh? Omg,what am I doing sleeping next to Red?» she looked at him and smiled «Uh? Wha..wheres Ga..? Ouch!» she holds her head and stomack. «Whats happening to me? AAAAAAAAH!» she screams. Everyone wakes up. Pyron: «Gana? Jane? What happened??» Jane: «Its Jane...I...dont know!!!! AH!» she stopes yelling and opens her eyes very slowly. Her eyes were glowing. Everyone gasps. Pyron: «Jane?» Jane: «She...she is so beautifull...I can see her...she...» Jane didnt finish the sentance,she passed out. Pyron: «Jane? JANE! Take care of her! I have to find Gana!» Jane: «She...is in The Garden of Hope. You cant find her.» Pyron : «What?? Where is that??» Jane: «Its like heaven,but the thing is,that world doesnt exist,it only exists to the dragons that truly need that place. And Gana really needed it,Im just suprized that place didnt open sooner.» Lagon: «What is that place??» Jane: «Its a place where dragons go to get help. But the thing is,time flyes by there in a blink of an eye,who knows Pyron,maybe Gana gets back with your daughter allready hatched.» Pyron was in schock. He sit down. He breathed fast and he was shaking. Jane: «Dont worry Pyron..I mean Red...its gonna be ok.» they smile. 30 minutes have passed. I came back. Everyone got up on theyre feet as soon as I entered the Great Hall. Pyron came closer: *gulp* «G..Gana? where..» he didnt finish the question,he was just stareing at a little whelpling I broth with me. Little tears came out of his eyes,he was in schock. Gana: «Meet,Angel.» I snuggle him «Angel,this is you father Pyron» Angel didnt say hi but instead she sneazed. We all laughed. Nera: «Aaaawww sheee is sooooo ADORABLEEE!» Lagon: «So cute!» Gana: «What are you waiting for daddy? Pick your little girl up» I smile. I could see he was still in shock. He snuggled Angel and picked her up. They were happy. Jane: «You gave me a stomack ake and an extra large migrane,thank you very much...» Gana: «Haha...Im sorry,the time flyes by so that happens.» Pyron: «How did she...?» Gana: «In Garden of Hope I fastforward the time.» We smiled. Everything seemed right,everyone were cheerfull and happy, Pyron was playing with Angel. But me and Jane senced something was wrong. Jane: «Hey! I felt the earth move.» she whispered to me. Then I feel it to. Oh no...Gana: „PYRON!! Its them,get..AAAAH!“ A giant pile of dirt and stone fell on Jane and me. I screamed. Pyron: «GANA! NOO!» he runs towards me and Jane and starts diging and moving the big stones. Jand and I tryed to crawl out of there,but It hurt us very bad. I senced my wings and legs were cut. The bulding was colapsing. They have only few seconds to get out of here. Gana:„Pyron,get Angel out of here and run!!!“ I yelled. „No I will not leave you Gana!“ Gana:„Go or our child will die,and we will loose the war...“ we looked at eachother „I will be fine. I promice...“ Pyrons eyes were full of tears,he turns around,takes Angel and runs away...I knew this would happen. I dreamed it once. Long ago,but I just forgot about it and now it came true.
„MOOOM NO!!“ I could hear her screaming. „Mom! Mommy!Mommy come baaack!!“ the screams fade away. I strat to cry. So this is it?
„Gana,lets try one more time.“ Says Jane.
„We tryed everything,Pyron tryed too. Its no use.“ I look down.“I love you Pyron,take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!“ Jane looks at me,she smiles. "No we r not gonna die like this,hold on..." A bright light flashes,I couldnt see anything. The bulding colapses.
Pyron and Angel flew out of the bulding and fell into a small river. They were shaking. „Its okay we are safe...“ Pyron says and hugs Angel.
„Whe...wheres my mommy?“ she askes very scared.
Pyron looks up and sees the bulding. It was completly destroyed,only whats left of it were ruins and Burakis machines,Dragon killers and Aerostats that attacked the building. „No,no,....no,no,NOO!“ he screams „Daddy!“ Angel runs towards him and hugs him. „She promiced...she...she promiced! YOU PROMICEED!“ he screams again.
Angel looks at Pyron,then at whats left of the Great Hall,then she looks at Pyron again.
„Shes not coming back...is she?“
Suddanly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon killers start shooting! Pyron takes Angel and starts to fly. Fly as fast as possible. Angel was on his back,so Pyron turned around and tryed to shoot tose things down. Areostats were down and a Dragon killer. 2 of them were strong enough to hold of his fire powers, but didnt prosume him,so he gave up shooting and flyed away. To where? He did not know...

subota, 10. listopada 2009.

A near death experience?

I was with the rest of the group sitting close to the fire that kept us warm. My heart was broken I have no reason to live...So I got up and flew to a cliff. I watched the horizon and taking a deep breath. The sea was wavey. It was very cold. I closed my eyes and jumped of the cliff. I fell in the sea,the waves were hard. I couldnt take breath,so I was sinking. I opened my eyes a little and I saw Pyron was next to me...also sinking. He faded away when someone grabed my hand and draged me to the shore. It was Flame. I was shaking and coughing. Flame: «What the hell were you thinking?» he asked me. I closed my eyes. Flame: «Its okay...Im here. I know what Pyron did to you...but Gana,I would never ever do that.» Gana: «I know...Flame..I know.» We got up and got back to the group. All of them were worried. I saw them all. There was sadness,anger and fear...all at once in theyre eyes. Gana: «Its okay...Im okay. Flame saved me.» Lagon: «What were you thinking Gana!?!» I didnt answer. I went to the fire and layed down. Flame put his wing over me to make me warm.
Suddanly we hear Nera: «GANA! Ganaaaaa!!!!» I got frightened so I stand up and came to Nera along with the rest of the crew. Gana: «What is it?» Nera: «Gana...its Pyron...he thinks your dead!» Gana: «What??» Nera: «Hes going to Burak's...he wants to die too...» oh no,what I've done?? Gana: «Couldnt you stop him??» Nera: «No..he allready left!» I go after him but Flame stopped me. Flame: «He left you Gana! He didnt want you anymore!» Gana: «Sorry I cant stay here and do nothing while Pyron is going to Buraki to kill himself just becouse he thinks Im dead!» Flame: «Please...stay here,for me.» Gana: «I...have to go...» I kiss him and take off to Buraki's with Nera. Nera: «Hes gonna get to the guards...Buraki will kill him if he comes too close,we cant just get there and yell cause they will kill all of us...we have to find another way....Gana? WAKE UP!»

«Wake up!»
I open my eyes: «Huh?»
Jane: «You have retarded dreams girl..I couldnt take no more...so I had to wake u up some how...»
I get up and look around. I was...in...a cage??
Gana: «What happened? JANE WHAT HAPPENED!?!??»
Jane: «I got u locked up until I take care of somethings for Buraki and Bulco.»
There were a couple of guards around her. How the hell are we disconected? If Im in a cage,she has to be here too.cause she cant go nowhere without me...unless,Buraki seperated us??
Jane: «Could u guys leave....I have to talk to the lil brat alone...»
They leave....
Gana: «Jane...what the hell is going on??»
Jane: «Nuthin'...just chillin'....killin'...»
Jane: «OK OK! No need 4 yellling...GOD! look after I beat Pyron I had to bring u here and lock u up.. but dont worry I will not let them harm you,ok?»
Gana: «You better...» Someone came in. It was Buraki and Bulco.
Jane bows. I was scared.
Buraki: «Well well well...I told u to get Pyron...but you got me something better. Hhehe. Now I have his heart in this cage! When I brake his little heart...I will brake him too! Hahahah!»
Bulco: *yeah right...not when Jane and I are around here...you will not rule this world big guy...* «Yeah...his weak now! We just have to see if his smart too...»
Buraki: «Haha...bring her to the lab...we have to kill the baby..»
Jane: *gasp* What? Oh...uhmm..»
Gana: «No. JANE!» they take my cage. «JANE!!!! JANEEE HELP! NOOO!» I was crying and screaming. Jane was in shock. Bulco was standing next to her. Now,they are gonna kill Angel? And me??
Buraki: «Put her on that bed....»
Gana: «Noo! No PLEASE! DONT! ILL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY!» I was crying.
Jane: «Ok...we are still conected...we have to be...»
Bulco: «Think...Jane...Think!»
Jane: «I'll use my new power...thelecinesiss. I'll use it over her eyes» Jane coleses her eyes. I was screaming and crying. They were trying to put another drug in me.
Gana: «NOOOOOOOO!» I yell and the injections flew out of the scientists hands and durg them.
Buarki: «What is this?!?»
I looked at him. My eyes were white and bright. My body turned black.
Buraki: «Gana?»
I scream and all the glass in the room brake and the walls crack a little.
Buraki: «STOP THIS!»
I look at him again. He starts floating. Then I threw him on his guards that were coming after me. Jane and Bulco get into the room and untie me. We brake the wall and left for Dragonopolis.
Buraki: «GRRRRAAAAAAAR! Jane and Bulco betrayed me! Kill them...ALL. But bring Gana alive...Jane and her are only conected in mind...not in body and soul. I guess the others can see her now as she is Gana's twin sister. I am counting on you to get her back and to kill Jane and Bulco...Gana has new powers and I will have them...»
Assassin: «I shall not fail you!»