četvrtak, 17. rujna 2009.

Jane of the Bulcori guard part 1 - A part untold

Mistfalls village is gone...gone. am I gone too? I dont know where am I. Where am I? Can someone hear me??
Voice: «Gana...your in a world between death and life. In the middle...»
Gana: «What? Am I dead?»
Voice: «No,neither dead or living...»
Gana: «Wheres Jane? What did she do?»
Voice: «Shes taking control...in order to fix things»

Nera runs very fast from Pyron and the others. Shes outof breath. Lagon and the others were following her. «NERA COME BACK!» but she didnt listen,she was runing. She came across us finally. «Ok Im here,but we have to go fast cause they are following me!»
Jane: «I'll take care of them...» Jane stands infront of them.
Pyron: «Gana?» he says «Oh my God...» he looks at Lagon «She has red eyes!»
Lagon: «Its the clone,thats not Gana its Anag! She has the real Gana and Nera hidden somewhere!» but Pyron felt something to «Anag» like he knew that was Gana,the real Gana. He looked deep insed her eyes... «PYRON!!!» he hears screaming. «Thats Gana!» Before he could do anything Jane starts to scream. She emited high-pitched sonic vibrations that can inflict intense damage on living tissue and inanimate objects. The others fall down. They were yelling and keeping theyre ears closed with wings,but it was useless. But Lagon «pushed» her so she fell. He used little bit of thelecinesiss. But that wasnt good,Jane easily gets angered...specially when her powers fail. So she looked at Lagon,very angry.
Jane: «You shouldnt have done that,Lagon»
Lagon: «You can all go to hell...specially you!»
Jane is now more angered: «This may hurt just a little...»
Pyron: «No,no nooo!»
Jane ran towards him very fast,bite his neck and threw him in the air. She jumped after him,grabbed him and flew with him very high. Everyone was looking at them
Nera: «Say goodbye to your dear friend.» and she smiles
Pyron: «No!» he says and blows fire at Nera,but Nera blocked it and and inflicked pain into Pyron. He fell down. «Pyron let them go,they are too strong,LAGON!» says Spirit. Jane was fighting Lagon in the sky,they were falling real fast so Jane grabbed Lagon and pushed him down,so he hit the ground and Jane landed normally. With her red eyes,she looked at everyone,introducing herself as a strong and powerfull dragoness. «Master Bulco...I warned them but they didnt listen.» she sad to him then looked at Pyron and the others «I hope that will teach you a lesson,you think you can defeat me? Well your wrong cause Im more powerfull then you!» Jane and Nera turn away and headed to the rest of the Bulcori guard.
Voice: «I can defeat you in a fair battle,Jane!»
Jane: «Who sad that?»
Pyron: «I did...»
Jane: «Hahaha! Your weak and naive...I will not fight you,your just a waste of time.» she says sand turns away
Pyron: «COWARD!»
Jane stoppes. And lookes at him very angry....
Jane: «What did u call me?»
Pyron: «Coward!»
Jane comes closer to Pyron: «Say that Im a coward,one more time...»
Pyron: «No...I'll tell you that ur a coward if you wont fight me...»
Jane looks at him and thinks....
Jane: «Well I can sence your weakness...»she comes closer «and I can smell your blood,you are very tasty Pyron» she smiles «Its a deal...»
Spirit: «Pyron no! Your crazy! She could kill you!»
Jane: «Well finally theres someone smart! Well this is your last chance red one,and if you loose I will kill you,if you win I will let you and ur friends go...»
Pyron: «And...BRING...GANA...BACK!»
Jane thinks..
Jane: «Very well...I'll bring her back...so its on?»
Pyron: «Your on! One on one!»
Jane smiles: «Hehe...this will be fun!»

ponedjeljak, 14. rujna 2009.

Lights out - Flashforward - "Is it a lie?"

„Pyron,get Angel out of here and run!!!“ I screamed. The bulding was colapsing. We had only few seconds to get out of here. „No I will not leave you Gana!“ Pyron sad.
„Go or our child will die,and we will loose the war...“ we looked at eachother „I will be fine. I promice...“ Pyrons eyes were full of tears,he turns around,takes Angel and runs away...
„MOOOM NO!!“ I could hear her screaming. „Mom! Mommy!Mommy come baaack!!“ the screams fade away. I strat to cry. So this is it?
„Gana,lets try one more time.“ Says Jane.
„We tryed everything,Pyron tryed too. Its no use.“ I look down.“I love you Pyron,take care of Angel. We have been loosing a lot of battles...and now its our turn to win the war!“ Jane looks at me,she smiles. "No we r not gonna die like this,hold on..." A bright light flashes,I couldnt see anything. The bulding colapses.
Pyron and Angel flew out of the bulding and fell into a small river. They were shaking. „Its okay we are safe...“ Pyron says and hugs Angel.
„Whe...wheres my mommy?“ she askes very scared.
Pyron looks up and sees the bulding. It was completly destroyed,only whats left of it were ruins and Burakis machines,Dragon killers and Aerostats. „No,no,....no,no,NOO!“ he screams „Daddy!“ Angel runs towards him and hugs him. „She promiced...she...she promiced! YOU PROMICEED!“ he screams again.
Angel looks at Pyron,then at whats left of he Great Hall,then she looks at Pyron again.
„Shes not coming back...is she?“
Sudanlly 2 Aerostats and 3 Dragon killers start shooting!

subota, 12. rujna 2009.

Mistfalls Village part 5 – Secrets revailed,or maybe not?

A month has passed since Kyle left. And I felt weaker and weaker by each day. I lost apetite,I got thinner,I couldnt fight when we had training so I was excused. I was having nightmares every night. I started halucinating. Headackes everyday. I threw up blood. Whats happening to me? The same question over and over again.
Gana: «Im not so good....»
Jane: «Tell me about it.»
Jane and I were laying in a bed. I couldnt breather so I got up to get some air. I decided to go up the cliff. It was dawn so the horizon was very beautifull.
I sit down and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I opened them...what the?
Gana : «Huh??»
The storm was very strong. In the distance there were some dragons coming,blowing up the parts of the forest. My friends,they were gone. The screaming,the yelling... I looked down and I saw dragons and wolfs fighting. Pyron was trying to save Spirit from a dragon that kidnaped him. Nera and Robby fight other dragons. Then the storm started to be much more rough so it blew up Mistfalls Village. It was gone. I started to cry.
Gana: «NOOOOO!»
Jane: «Gana! Dont!»
The ground under my legs desappeared. I was falling. I lost conciousnes.
Voice: «Shes waking up.»
Gana: «what happened?»
Pyron: «U fell of the cliff. What happened?»
Gana: «Who saved me?»
Nera: «Gana,you saved yourself...remember? when u fell u flapped ur wings,and then you lost conciousness.»
Gana: «Oh...(it must be Jane) ...oh yes I remember» Althought it was a lie,I was shure Jane did that before she lsot conciousness too. If Jane wasnt there I would be dead now,she is stronger then me.
Doctor: «Gana,when I was examening you I had to get your blood. And I discovered that you have the mixure of Red Clover pison and Ergot poison.»
Gana: «What is that?»
Doctor: «Those r very very poisonous leafs,very dangerous cause the Red Clover has nitrate and Ergot has indole alkaloid,and when they r mixed the create drugs that kill or boost enegry. No from what I saw this month,you Gana,are dying.»
Gana and Pyron: «What??»
Doctor: «Im afraid so...but the drug kills instantly usually»
Gana: «How did I survive?»
Doctor: «Thats the same question I have been asking myself this whole month.»
Woah,now Im gonna die. But I guess Jane helped me survive theese months and I see she cant take it anymore. I dont know where is she. I lost conciousness.
Spirit: «Gana? Your a...a ghost?»
Jane: (woah,the kid can see me?) «Umm,yeah I guess so...am I dead?»
Pyron: «I wont let you die Gana!» he sad and put his hands on me. Then I woke up.
Gana: (What happened to me?)
Jane: (they all thought ur dead...Pyron just removed the poison effect from ur vanes,but u kept it in ur body,so I guess we r more powerfull now. We just have to figure out our powers from time to time...)
Gana: (But we have to be carefull)
Pyron: «Gana you allright!!»
But...was I?

Mistfalls Village part 4 – The Heartbrake kid

After a few minutes I got to a valley and found Kyle there. Pyron was chatting with some friends of his and eating something Kyle broth home today. It was a bit cold night so everyone got arround the fire place and talked,including Spirit and Pyron,who were new this last week. Crikets were singing.
Gana: «Kyle? You wanted to talk with me?»
Kyle turns around: «Hey...uh...yeah shure.»
Jane: «You okay?»
Kyle: «Um,no. Gana,I...I...»
Oh no,this doesnt sound right...
Kyle: «I did love you...but...»
Oh no,this definatly doesnt sound right...
Kyle: «I think its time...»
Oh no,dont say it! Dont say it Kyle! I look down.
Kyle: «Time to brake up.»
He sad it. He really...sad that. What did I do wrong? Did I deserve this? Was it Pyron?
Gana: «Wh...why Kyle?»
Kyle: «I dont know...» he looks down. Hes very nervous and sad.
Gana: «But...I love you Kyle.» I start to cry a bit.
Kyle looks at me. He had tears in his eyes,he was shaking...and so was I.
Kyle: «Gana...I ....»
Jane: «Do you love me Kyle??»
He put his head down. So Jane repeats the question : «Do you love me!?!?»
Kyle looks up,a tear comes out from his right eye. He puts his head down again and says,with his gentle voice,the word I never expected: «No...»
He flyes away.
I was standing very still. My heart was broken I was shaking. I wasnt even blinking cause of the shock,cause of the pain I couldnt move. Suddanly I fall down and start to cry. Cry like I never cryed before. I was in such pain,shock and cold. Very cold.
Jane: «Gana...Im so,so sorry.»
I didnt say anything,I was crying very loud.
Voice: «G..Gana? Im so sorry...»
I look up. It was Pyron. So I ran towards him and hug him. I felt warmer,I felt happyer when I was with him.
Gana: «Pyron,you heared us?» I sad thru tears.
Pyron: «Yes. I heared you asking him does he love you. So I wanted to see whats happening....I thought he was attacking you,Im sorry I didnt mean to..»
Gana: «Its okay....Its okay.»

Mistfalls Village part 3 - Kyle returned?

Pyron just nods and goes his own way. I feel so imbarissed cause of that,now he thinks Im crazy,I cant believe this...
Jane: «I cant believe this...»
Gana: «What??»
Jane: «Look its Lagon.»
Gana: «So?»
Jane: «So?! Lets go and talk to him...»
Gana: «About what?»
Jane: «Huh,nevermind.»
I was confused. Why does Jane want to talk to Lagon. I hope she will not imbarisse me,again. «Gana,you know the truth.»
Gana: «Huh? Did u hear that?»
Jane: «Yes I did. We r one,remember? What truth you know?»
Gana: «I dont know...Im very confused.»
Jane: «Yeah,me too.»
We get to Lagon. It seems he was talking to someone. Someone behind a bush?
It was a dragon whelpling. His name was Spirit,and he was so cute. We led him to the village and showed him his hut. He was a bit scared but I talked to him. Everythings gonna be allright. I went for a walk, and I saw Pyron talking to some wolfs and a dragon. He looked at me but I turn my head away. They I look at him again,he was smilig at me so I smiled back.
Jane: «Quit blushing girl,thats LAME!»
Gana: «Shut up Im not blushing.»
Jane looks at me.
Jane: «You look red to me...»
I laugh then I look at Pyron again. He seemed confused but he laughed too. Oh no,he now thinks I was laughing at him,now Im more embarissed. I put my head down and leave. Pyron put his head down too,but continued smiling and talking to his friends. He was so cute. That reminds me,wheres Kyle? I didnt see him for a week.
Jane: «Theres your boyfriend.» she points to the sky.
I look up. Its Kyle!
Gana: «Kyleeeeeeee!!!» I yell. They I turn around to see wheres Pyron. He looked at Kyle. Kyle landed and huged me. I huged him too. He seemed,sad.
Gana: «Kyle where were u?»
Lagon: «KYLE! Get over here right now!» Lagon screamed,he wasnt happy.
Kyle: «Y-yes s-sir?»
Lagon: «Where have u been? I send you to pick up some food and water,what took u so long?»
Kyle: «S-sorry sir. I got too far away so I got lost...» he puts his head down.
Lagon : «Verry well. Put the food in the supply cave then get some rest.»
Kyle turns around.
Kyle: «We have to talk...» he says angry and leaves for the supply cave.
Jane: «Uh-oh,he knows your in love with Pyron,busted girl...»
Gana: «What?? Shut up Jane....»