petak, 28. kolovoza 2009.

Mistfalls Village part 2

What is wrong with me?! Dialouge mostly

Nella: «Feeling better?»
Gana: «What happened to me?»
Nella: «U were fighting Meldow,and u broke his leg and crushed his chest. I dont think hes gonna make it...»
I was shocked.
Gana: «What? U saying I killed him???»
Nella: «No. U didnt kill him,she did...»
Gana: «She? Who is she?»
Nella: «Ur...well ur imaginary friend...»
Gana: «What? I have an imaginary friend?»
Nella: «Yes. You created her the way u wanted her to be and u call her every time ur in some kind of trouble. You have to get rid of her Gana.»
Gana: «I...I dont understand. Am I sick? Mentaly?»
Nella: «Ummm,no. Ofcourse not.»
Gana: «I created someone I didnt even know about,until now. Does my...imaginary friend have a name?»
Jane: «Ofcourse I do you stupid brat!»
Gana: «What?!»
Nella: «Something wrong?»
Gana: «Dont you see her?»
Nella: «See who?!»
Jane: «Go on,tell her. Tell her that your crazy!»
Gana: «No,no...»
Nella: «Gana? Whats...?»
Jane: «Oh shut up you good for nothing...get out of my hut right now!»
Nella was confused «Gana,why are u being so mean to me?»
Jane: «Your still here?» I get up and roar. Nella got scared so she ran away.
Gana: «What the hell did u do to her? She was my friend!»
Jane: «Haha, she was a psyhologist Gana! I just save u from her. They all think ur nuts! Shes a trator...» I get out of the hut and walk towards the cantin,to get something to eat.
Jane: «Oh its so beautifull here. One day u all are gonna get killed...»
Gana: «What? Your crazy...»
Jane: «Oh no my dear friend...your crazy.»
Gana: «Shut up,ur embaressing me.»
We ...I mean I...came across Meldow.
Meldow: «Oh,no not u again!»
Jane: «Dont worry I'll eat him for you...»
Gana: «Stop it!»
Meldow: «ME? no Im not gonna stop it,get away from me u monster!»
Jane: « Im gonna rip him appart so that hes gonna be all over this forest!»
Gana: «Meldow,its ok. Im not gonna hurt you..
Meldow and Jane: «What?»
Jane: «Why not? The little rat hurt you!»
Meldow: «Really?»
Jane: «NO!»
Gana: «Yes...»
Jane: «Oh spare me....»
Gana: «Im so so sorry for what she...for what I did to you.»
Meldow: «No,it was my fault Gana. I made u angry. I deserve this.»
Jane: «No,once ur dead then u deserve it...»
I start to cry. Jane looks at me.
Jane: «Oh no,please dont cry!»
Meldow: «Dont cry Gana. Its ok. Can you forgive me for chalanging u?»
Gana: «Yes. Now im just gonna go and...»
Lagon: «We have a new member. Hes in the forest by the waterfall,go and check him out. I have to deal with something....»
Gana: «Whats his name?»
Lagon: «Umm...Pyron.»
Pyron? Sonds so familiar. Oh well,I went to the forest to check on him. He was siting by the waterfall. He seems sad.
Gana: «Pyron?» he turns around «Welcome. Umm...are you allright?»
Pyron: «My family is out there somewhere. And I have to save them»
Gana: «Get some rest for now. Dont worry we will find them.»
Jane: «Yeah right....what a lie!»
Gana: «Shh!»
Pyron: «Huh?»
Gana: «Nothing...»

Mistfalls Village part 1

2 weeks later...
Lagon: «Gana u became a true member of our group. You help us with the weather....»
Gana: «Hahaha! Funny.»
We both laughed. Lagon has geat sence of humor,although hes blue and he lost his wife. Oh,Im so sorry.
Lagon: «Listen,take care of the villge for short time,I have to go find a missing friend.»
Gana: «Hey,u need help?»
Lagon: «No!»
He sad and flew away. Among many creatures that were here long before me,that r most experienced,he had chosen me to be the leader when hes gone. Wow,thats nice. I got up a high rock where usually Lagon sit there to talk to the villagers and bring them bad and good news. Mostly bad news. The villagers look up at me. They were confused. One of the villagers sad: «Hey,only the leader can go up that rock!»
Gana: «Lagon left for a short time so he choose me to be the leader while hes gone.»
The villagers were angry. They dont want me to be the leader.
«Why you? Why not Wolverine for Gods sake?!» the ywere mad and started to yell in same tone. I was embarissed and sad.
Gana: «SHUT UP!» I yell. I was looking at them and they were looking back. They start to yell even more and start throwing eggs and bananas and tomatoes at me. I blocked every throw with my wings. But some smartypaints threw a rock at me from the distance and I fell down. The yelling and food throwing stopped. I was so mad.
Gana: «ok,whos idea was to throw a damn ROCK AT ME?!?!?»
Meldow: «Mines...»
It was a black cat. A pretty big one so I guessed he was a wild cat.
Gana: «And who are you?»
Meldow: «Oh Im sorry. Im Meldow. And Im here to make every new members life, that I dont like,miserable. And Gana,I really dont like you....»
The villagers yell and agree.
Meldow continues: «How about u and me have a fight?»
Gana: «Ummm,no. I'll pass.»
Meldow: «Puff...what a leader!» he sad sarcastic «She really hit the spot. Hahah,what a wimp,ur a baby.» all the villagers start to laugh at me. I was real sad,and mad as hell.
Gana: «QUIET! I accept.»
Meldow: «Hhehe....lets see what u got.»
The villagers form a cyrcle so that Meldow and I come to the middle and fight.
Meldow: «I'll crash you back into the whole u crawled out.»
By saying that he made me furyous. As soon as the bell rang I an towards him and seized him. I jumped in the air with him. Meldow tryed to escape my grab but it was a too strong bite. If he made any wrong turns Id crush him with my sharp teeth. As soon as we were in the air I crushed him back on the ground with my dive attack. He couldnt moove.
Meldow: «Aahhhh! That HURTS! U broke my leg! U stupid....»
Gana: «Shut up,there are 256 bones in ur body» I say and come closer to him «Thats ONE!!!!» I turn around. «Time will heal that,but that didnt hurt so much like ur words hurt me. And that,will leave a mark in my heart forever. And I will NEVER forgive you!» I look at the villagers. «Who else wants some?!?!?! Im the leader while Lagons gone. You understand that? You eat when I say u eat. You go to sleep when I tell u to go to sleep. You talk when I tell you to talk and you will obey every order I make,if ur bothered with that then DEAL with it!!!!» I could see them. The fear in theyre eyes. They were shaking. My head started to hurt and I blacked out. I woke up in my hut,there was a human who was looking after me.
Nella: «Its ok. Im Nela and Im ur doctor.»
I smiled. Then I woke up. I looked around and I was alone in my hut. My head hurts so bad. I cant remember anything.

četvrtak, 27. kolovoza 2009.

The Offering - Elmo

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.

utorak, 25. kolovoza 2009.

Gana has a new look??

Maybe I shouldnt use it? xD

ponedjeljak, 24. kolovoza 2009.

Red eyes,darkness,lightning storms....a Village!

I was lost. I have a headacke,somethings bothering me. It was real misty but since I control the weather I made it clear. «Oh,a Village?» I entered the Village and look around. «HOLD IT!» someone sad. «Who are you,girl?» a blue dragon asked me followed by two wolfs. «Your the leader I prosume?» I ask
Lagon: «I prefere to be called,Lagon. And you still havent answered my question.»
Gana: «Oh,Im sorry. My name is Gana. Im lost,can...can you...?»
Lagon: «Did u made the mist disapear?» he interupted me.
Gana: «Umm...yeah. thats one of my gifts,to control the weather.»
Lagon: «That is very useful. Its been fog for years here. Thanks to you,sunshine came to Mistfalls Village.»
Gana: «Mistfalls Village? My mom sad my first stop will be here,but thats all I remember...»
Same time: «GANA!!»
Gana: «Nera,Robbie...Kyle!! oh your safe!!» I ran towards them
Nera: «We were so worried about you!»
Robbie: «We were searching for you long time,then we came across the village,hoping to find some help....»
Kyle: «OH,thank God your here.»
He sad and huged me. «Im not letting u out of my sight,ever.»
Nera: «So,did u find the famouse Pyron?»
Gana: «Wha..Whos that?»
Robbie: «Ummm...never mind,we mixed up things a little. Noone importaint.»
Nera looked at him shocked. She called him over to talk about it. And who the hell was Pyron? I dont know. Never heared of him.
Gana: «Oh...»
Kyle: «U okay?»
Gana: «Headacke. I need some rest....»
It was cloudy,I senced the rain is coming here. A lightningstorm. «Right now...our future isnt that great.» I say quietly and fall asleep.
Bulco: «She reached the Village just like u wanted it master....hahahahah!»

utorak, 18. kolovoza 2009.

Somethings getting in the way,somethings just about to brake,I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane

«Ah!» I wake up. «That was a strnge...wait? I get pregnant? Oh,mom was right,Pyron is handsome!!» I laugh. I was all alone. It was too quiet. Somethings not right.

«Hello Gana.»

«Huh?» I turn around «Bulco? What r u doin here?!»

«I was flying,breathin fresh air u know? Then I saw u here so I thought we can chat.»

he sad comming closer to me. I was a bit scared.

«Wha...what do u w-want Bulco?»

«Hehe...»he smiled and came closer,he wisperes «I know ur secret!» he smiles

«Secret? What secret?»

«Gana...I remember what u were doing first. They lied to you. You havent been out for 3 years,thats impossible. You have been working with me....»

I was confused. How come I dont remember? «Remember,Jane?»

«Jane? My names not Jane.» I looked into his eyes

«Thats how you called yourself. While you were working ofcourse...»

«Working on what?!»

«You really dont remember? Oh well its time I tell you everything...Jane. I mean...Gana?» he smiles again. «You were,and since you still havent left the goup,you are a member of the Bulcori guard. Once a member,allways a member. When you first aried,you volonteerd to go and test the drug. I tryed to stop u but u wanted it so bad that I had to let u go.» I was getting angry. I dont know whats wrong with me. «I see ur coming back,Jane. Your red eyes give everything away.» he smiles again «Now..heres what you have to do...»

ponedjeljak, 17. kolovoza 2009.

Angel or Devil?

Eyes are from the terminator,the dragon is Draco

srijeda, 12. kolovoza 2009.

The future glimpse - Is it a lie?

«So you are Draco. I was on the Draco Island with my friends to save Spyro and Cynder.» I sad. Draco and I were in a tunel what humans called the subway. It was pretty dark and quiet. «Yes I know. Im the owner of Draco Island...was» he says. «Owner? How come we never found you? Were you....normal before?»
«Yes,I was normal. I now remember. I was guarding Spyro and Cynder from Burakis forces. They came there long before you and your friend came. Many,many times. And I allways beat them. But when they came again,they didnt want Spyro and Cynder,they wanted me,so they captured me and put me to sleep for many days. I dont know what were they doing to me,I just know that when I woke up I felt a bit different but I didnt know how. I was stronger and faster. So,it seems that they killed me and made a robot of me. A dragon killer.» he explains. I came a bit closer. «Dont blame it on yourself. Its okay.» We looked at eachother and smiled. He was coming closer to me. It looked like he wants to kiss me. I didnt know what to do. Suddanly he stops. «Well done Draco. You did what we could not do. Congratulations,you killed Gana» he was shaking a bit. «Whats wrong Drac....agh!» he grabed me by the neck and started to strangle me. I...cant...breathe. his eyes turned red. «Im sorry Gana. Its time you die!» «Aaaaa» I tryed to kick him,I scratch him with my claws. I ripped his skin off on his chest,he didnt feel a thing. I was dieing. «Draco...STOP! please....stop it.» he looks at my belly. Like he saw something. «Let go!» I yell and so he did. What happened? Dont know,dont care Im free I have to get out. Now the whole Brinsopnet knows Im here. «Shes...pregnant. I couldnt kill her. No,I have to save her.» he says and looks up. «Oh no. Wasps again.» he looks at me. I was runing towards the exit. «Gana,no!! Stop,your gonna get killed! Wasps are out there,its an AMBUSH!» I wasnt listening. I cant trust him,I just kept runing until I got out. I look around,noone was there. I start to fly. «Gana look out!» I look behind me «Oh no. The harvester!» or the collector. He collects dragons and takes them to the headquarters of Brinsopnet as prisioners. Draco flyes up. Whan I saw him I start flying away from him as quick as possible. The harvester starts shooting,but since Draco was after me he has do dodge those too. It was like a storm. «The storm? Right.» I turn around «EAT THIS!» I yell and a lightining storm starts. «Ah!» almoast hit him. «Gana,stop it. Gana,do the mist!» he yelled. Why does he wane me to do the mist? Oh well,the robots cant see when its all misty,so I did. I was the only one who could see thru that mist. The harvester stopped shooting. I saw Draco landed,he was walking to the direction where I had to go. «Oh no you dont.» I landed and hide behind a car. I still have no idea what for the humans were using those things. Draco was passing me by. I was walking behid him and attacked him. But he dodged my attack. «Gana let me explain» I didnt listen,I attacked him again but he dodge it again. «They sent me the virus! I didnt want to kill you!» he tryes to explain but I kept attacking him. «Gana stop!» I didnt listen I attacked again but he punched me so hard that I flyed across the air 10 meters from him and I hit a building. «Oh no!» he ran to me. «Gana Im so sorry you okay» «DONT TOUCH ME!» I yell and I fire ice shards at him. He fell on the ground. «Gana,please.» «Oh dont you Gana me!» I say and I kick him «Why should I give you a second chance? You are dangerous Draco and they have a conection with you. When the Brinsopnet sends signals to everyone it sends signals to you too. You picked it up and you followed the order. Thanks for the information now I know that the entire army of machines is after me! They know Im here!» he stands up «Gana...I didnt kill you. I cant kill you.» he says and comes closer to me «Im not the one who will kill you,Pyron is» «What? Oh spare me...Im the one that can predict the future!» «That future is being shadowed! You have a trator in your group.»