ponedjeljak, 4. siječnja 2010.

THE HAPPENING - Thru Gana's eyes

«Once they get here......to save....»
«Bring her......we must hurry.....»
«Its late...shes dead.»
My head hurt,I dont know where am I. I heard voices,more like echos, and they seem so far away. I open my eyes,first everything was blury,then I close them and open again. «Oh no...not again.» I was looking at skeleton creatures,covered with black coats. Grim Reaperst. I get up «Whats happening? Am I dead?» I say,I was very nervouse. The creatures didnt answer,they were looking at me,more like thru me,holding theyre big axes. «Hey,Im talking to you!» I say a little louder. I was surrounded by deep blue mist and I was walking on water. «Oh...» I say noticing the water,so I look down. Just blackness spreading all over the water. I saw something moving so I came a little closer. «Raaaaaaaaa!» Sudanlly a body appears «AAAH!» I scream. The body cant come out of the water. Then he floats away,like hes on the river stream. «That was wieard.» I look down again and I see houndreats,thousands of bodyes being taken away. «Oh my God.» I was terrified. They didnt have pupils. They were so dead. «Thats discousting...» I sad to myself and get up. «That is not discousting,once you get to be...» a clod voice was coming out of the darkness,I didnt even blink «...one of them.» the reaper appeared,a much bigger one then the ones before. I look behind and they were still stareing at the point where I was laying. «What are they doing?» I ask the reaper. «They are...sleeping.» he says. I couldnt see his face cause of the hood he was wiearing. I could only see his skeleton hands holding the biggest ax. I saw my reflection on it so I flinched and looked on the other side. «No need to be scared Gana,the ax is not ment for you. Its not ment for any lost souls who come to me.» he sad. Like he knew what I was thinking about. «Then whats it made for?» I was corius. «For the living...»
«You mean...you kill people,dragons...» I ask
«NO! I kill them when they have to die. Not all of them,but the very...naughty dragons.»
He stops. It was very silent. The reapers who were "sleeping" start to move. «Buraki...is allready dead. The living,dont know it...» he sad again with its cold voice that gives you goosebumps every time he speaks. «Dead? Hes not dead...he..»
«YES HE IS! He decided to kill himself so the scinetsts could make a machine out of him. He is a soulless dragon now.» he sad. «Oh no...»
«Foolish little dragon. You made many mistakes in your life. Number one: you have been following that voice that led you to Burakis trap and end up being caught in the experiments! Two is that you escaped and where did you go? Mistfalls Village that you didnt know that the enemy was following you. Three,you let that little child,Spirit, into the Village that ends up being destroyed cause of him. Four is that you let Kyle go so easily istead that you at least tryed to fly after him,at least tryed to stop him from leaving you no matter what. I know that he wouldave told you the truth,whats bothering him and whats happening,that way you two would stay togeather like it was ment to be and you wouldnt go to the Draco Island by a ship,but you would be taking a short cut thru the Underground Water Ruins and avoid all the trouble that was on that ship. Number five,you fell for Pyron ,number six, you have a baby with him and you arent even adults yet!» I was in shock. I was getting afraid. «I could go on and on about your mistakes in life you made but it would take very long to say them all,cause your life is 19 years of BAD DESISSIONS!» he yelled. «I....I..» I started to cry. «You Gana are a thread to the world and the ones around you and you deserve to go in the...» everything was silent. Except for me,I was crying. I looked at him. «In...the?» I ask afraid. He laughed. «Davey Jones locker» I was shocked. «What? No...no. Please,no!» I was beging. «Anything,anything but...» the ground started shaking and it got silent again. The reaper looked at someone or something coming from the mist. I get up and look too. «...Davey...Jones?» I sad. Sudanlly a monster appeared. «You called my name?» he asked. Jones looks at me and starts laughing. «Davey Jones does his job very well» sad the reaper and takes his hood off. He was not a human skeleton,but a dragon skeleton,a little bigger then me. «He,whenever someone dies,takes theyre souls into the next world. You,my dear are a special one.» I was in shock. «What? Oh,right. Now I know,you made Snake Godesses's magic go wrong, and killed me instead of making Jane my soul. You...you...» Jones comes closer to me. He looks at me very carefully. «Now...will you take her and give me the army?» The reaper asked. Army? What army? «Hmm...yes I will take her,shes a very special one.» he sad. «NO!» I yell. Davey Jones turns around and grabs me with his big hand. «What did you say?» he asked me. «I...I sad no. I wanna make a deal» I answered. «Hmm...» he lets me go and I fall down. «You cant do that,thats not part of our..» «SILENCE!» sad Jones to the reaper. «Right...how to play?» he asked,smiling. Like he knows what Im about to say. «Pirate dice?» He laughs. «And I challange you,Davey Jones.» he comes closer. «I accept.» he smiles. We sit down,the reapers bring us cups and 5 dices each. This was a pirate game of bets and trators. I heared that people,and even dragons,got killed. Lost theyre lifes by playing it. You have to shake the dices in the cup then cover them with it on the table,you can say any amount of dices of the number thats on the dice. «what do we bet...for me?» he smiles again. «My soul and eternety of serving you.» I sad. «Haha...againts?»
«You let me go.» he got serious. «I cant do that. You...are a dead dragon its either you find me a repleacement or you go with me.»
«OK fine...how much is my sould worth?» I ask
«100 souls.» he sad smiling again. I was in shock. «Are you ready to pick up 100 inocent lives and give them to me so that you can be free?» he asked. I was scared. I dont know what to do. Yes you do. Accept you fool! You can easily find 100 souls! Cmon,accept now! «yes...I am ready. I accept.» Oh no,whats wrong with me? «Hahaha...shake it.» we shake the dices. «3 fours» sad Jones. «4 fives.»I sad, he was sceptic. «5 fours.» he sad. «LIAR!» I yell and we rase up the cups. I was right. There were no 5 fours. «Hmm....your a free dragon Gana and you have 5 days to get me 100 souls.» he turns around. «Good luck...» he laughs out loud. And he was right,I cant pick up 100 souls,I cant murder innocent ones just to save myself,its ok,5 days is enought time to help out my friends and say goodbye. You will kill....theres that familliar voice again. I felt weak. I saw myself killing dragons,humans,animals one by one falling under my feet. Others beging me for mercy but I couldnt stop killing until the number of 100. The prediction. I got my power back. «No I will not kill innocent creatures and humans!» Foolish dragon,I allready saw you do it,you are being so shure that you wont,just like you allready did,but then what happened? You got sneaky. Your buddy Anakin,when you push him off the cliff,hes dead. Nera,when she falls into a trap thinking that you will help her,but you just laugh and go away,shes dead. NO! Lagon,when he gets you angered by yelling at you,you go crazy and kill him,hes dead. And so one by one fall at you feet,beginning for mercy but you just enjoy killing them. Noooooooo!!!!! Its very bad at the beginning but in the end...you get to like it.
Sudannly I hear someone coming. I saw Pyron,Jane and...Flame? I felt something wieard,like a desire about Flame. A desire to kill him. «Gana!» Pyron yelled.