nedjelja, 27. prosinca 2009.

BATTLE ON THE SLIVER LAKE - A new friend or foe ?

«Did you hear that?» Pyron asked
«Yeah...» I answered. «We must go Pyron.»
But sudanlly he turns dark and jumps on me. «Ah!» I scream. He scratches me with his claw. «Where is she ?» I got angry too. «I....dont...KNOOOW!» I also turn dark and push him off of me. We looked at each other. After a few moments Pyron sits down and turns normal again. When I saw that I came closer to him. He looks at me confused. I turn normal again. «Whats happening to me ?» Pyron asked. «It seems to me that you cant handle your fear and emotions.» I answered « did you...?» «I happen to be much more stronger and powerfull then you are Red...I can control it,but your weak Pyron,so the gift,the power that you have...Controls you....Hm!»
«Oh boy...quit being a show of...» Pyron sad
«Whats a matter Pyron? Cant handle a competition?»
«Shes got a are weaker then she is...hahaha!» Dark Pyron
«Shut it...» Pyron sad.
«Your just jelouse cause a girl kicked your....»
before I could finish, something exploded.
«AH! What was that ?» I ask
everything got quiet. We get closer to eachother and we listen. We stay there for a couple of minutes.
«Pyron....» I whispered to him.
«What is it ?»
«I felt the earth move...»
we look at eachother. Sudanlly huge machine comes out of the ground. We fly away. «What is that thing ?!» I yell. «I dont know ! I never seen that before in my life!» Pyron answered. «Well whatever it has Buraki written all over it !»
«You got that right!»
«Lets fly above!» I sad. Pyron agreed. We heared bombs exploding.
As soon as we got above the forest we saw our friends and other crew members fighting againts Burakis machines. «Oh no...» Pyron was in shock. «We are unprepared!» he sad. We turn around to see the machine that came from under the ground. It got higher and higher. That was the biggest one yet. «Oh no Pyron,we should help them,look its Nera!» Nera was fighting againts 10 little machines. «What are those things?!» Pyron asked. «Those are the latest creation,Jumpers.» Jumpers are the meanest,most annoying and most dangerous little creeps. They are pack hunters.
We landed where Lagon was. «Lagon wheres Angel?» Pyron asked. «I dont know!» he answered and continued to fight. «OH no....» he sad «Anakin!» we saw Anakin fighting a death hound. Black machines shaped as a dog. Pyron burns down the machine with his fire. «Thanks Pyron...but I really could hanle him...» sad Anakin. «Nevermind that,this is importaint! Wheres Angel?» he asked. «I dont know! Im sorry I really dont know where she is...» Pyron was getting worried. I could see in his eyes. «Hey little lady...» Someone greeted me. «Who are you?» the gray dragon was smiling. «Well,I am Clayd.» he looks at me with his green eyes. «I know you...your the greates assassin who ever lived.» I sad. «Haha,yeah.» He smiled again,and came closer. But I moved away. He was scary. «Hey,you! What are you doing here ?» Pyron came. «Hm...Pyron is it ?» Clayd asked. « I that famouse?» Pyron sad. I could see he was angry. «Haha,your a funny guy Pyron. You know...theres a bounty set on you and your blue girlfriend...»
«Do what you want with me,but if you hurt Gana...I will...» Pyron didnt finish the sentace,Clayd punched him in the face. «Hahahaha! Grrrrrrr!»
«That...was a mistake...» Pyron sad
«You...are a mistake Pyron. But the good news is,I never came here to kill you...specially not the beautyfull lady over there,if I came here for that purpose,you would be dead allready.» he sad. «Now what makes you believe that?» Pyron asked. «If Clayd wants you dead,your dead.» I answered. Pyron looked at me. Then looks back at Clayd. «So...Clayd eh?» Clayd nods «Why are you here then?» «I came here just to make friends.» he sad,and made an agry look at Pyron. A machine came behind him,but he turns around and destroys it in a second.
«I will hurt you...» Pyron is getting angry.
«Hahaha...» Clayd laughs «Bring it....»

petak, 25. prosinca 2009.

THE SNAKE GODDESS "A magic went wrong"

I was crying. My heart was broken and now,my little Angel is without a father. We returned to Ember. Everyone got up as soon as I entered the hall. «Gana are you okay?» Cynder asked. «Wheres Pyron?» I cryed again and walked to my room. Cynder turns to Spyro and the others. «Oh no...dont you think he...» everyone was quiet. Angel was there sitting next to Nera. She was confused. «Wheres my dad ?» she askes. «» Cynder starts. «Hes not gonna come yet,Angel. He decided to come later...» I say. « promice ?» I breathe in and out. «Yes my dear. I promice. Now,go get some sleep.» «But mom Im not tired.» she was consistent «I sad now Angel!» I rased the tone of my voice. She listened to me and went to bed. Lagon comes up to me «What happened Gana?» I was getting angry «Nothing happened!» I yell. My eyes turn red. Lagon and the others were in shock. My eyes turn normal again. «Hm!» I turn around and walk away. I know I have to save him. «Wheres your mate now ?» That was Jane. «Where were you?» I ask. «Not importaint...seriously you dont wanna know. So whats your plan Goddess?» she called me Goddess? «Um..I have no idea.» we were quiet for a moment. Then I got an idea «Maybe if we call out the chronicler. He can maybe help us.» Jane was quiet. «OK here we go...» «Wait!» Jane stoped me. «I know what to do...we have to find Gana...» «Who?» «Gana...another Gana I mean. Snake goddess from aboriginal mythology. She can turn us into one dragon that can defeat the evil inside of Pyron and turn him back to a normal dragon.» wow,she was smart. «OK,where is she ?» Jane smiles «Follow me lady» so I did. We went to the Island of Eingana,that means One Gana. And we are about to disapoint her. «Lets land here.» Says Jane and we land infront of a castle. I look around. Everything was blue and gray. There were fish,flying. I have to get used to it. We enter a big hall. In it there was a huge snake sculpture with big green eyes «I suppose thats her?» I say. Jane didnt answer. She opens a big door and we enter. The Snake Goddess turns and looks at us. «Ssssso,it sseemssss that I am not the only Gana here. I ssssaw you coming misssss. But for ssssome reason I cant read your mind. Sssso I have to asssk you: Why are you here?» she was very big and she kinda reminded me of....Buraki. «We are here to ask you for your help» Jane answeres «We have a friend in danger that has been corrupted by evil,and we wanted to ask you if you could turn us into one dragon with the power to destroy the darkness.» the Snake Goddess was silent. She was looking me in the eyes. Like she was trying to read me. «Hmmm,I sssssee....but there issss only one problem.» she says «What problem?» I ask. «If I use my magic on someone of pure heart and soul,he may be curssssed forever with it.» I *gulp* «....I usually read my guestsss,but....» she comes closer to me «....I cant read you. Letss see if my friend can affect you. Alec ?» she calls someone. Another door opens and a smaller snake enters the hall. « it» she says. Alec rised up and says a very familliar sentace: «This may hurt just a little....» I start shaking. Alec looked at me. His eyes shined yellow,with his cold voice he sad «Pain». I was afraid. I looked around,nothing was happening. Alec was still looking at me but I cant feel anything. «Haha!» The Snake Goddess laughed. Alec stopped looking at me. He seemed very disapointed. «It semsss that not only my mind powerssss dont affect you,girl.» she says «OK enough of this...will you help us or not?» Snake Goddess looks at Jane. «Hmmm...but you musssst not reveal my secret,ssspecially not to that old fool Buraki. The easssy way to kill the world is to kill me.» I was confused «What is she talking about Jane?» I ask «She is the creator goddess and also goddess of death. If she dies, so does the entire world.» I was shocked. «Dont worry we wont.» The Goddess looked at us sceptik «Hmm...very well. I must asssk you thissss... are you ready to take the rissssk of the curssse and go to ssssave your friend ?» Jane and I look at eachother. «Yes....» we answer. «Very well,come with me.» so we followed Gana outside. She turns around «Stop...» so we did. «You wont feel a thing...I hope.» she says «You hope?» Jane asks «I cant read you so itss hard to tell from the outsssside if you will survive....» «Survive...Jane?!» I was in shock. «Now remember,turn ME into her...» The Goddess sad something in a wieard language. Sudanlly shadow creatures appear and circle around me and Jane. They move faster and faster. Jane and I start floating. Soon I feel pain and I scream. «AAAAAAAAAAAAaaah!» It hurts. Like someone is cutting me in pieces. Jane was above me she wasnt screaming. She wasnt in pain. Soon she was glowing in dark. She looks at me with her white bright eyes and roars. The pain was worse now. I scream and look down. My tail was breaking appart,then my legs,my belly and soon my whole body transfered into Jane. The Goddess stopped the magic. I became Jane: black,with bright white eyes and shadow was around me. I was floating. «I knew thisss would happen...» The Goddess spoke. «Go and find your missing friend...» she sad to me. I fly away in great speed and reach Cassandras lair. I saw the werewolfs. «Whos that?» Paul ask «We dont know» I was falling down in great speed and I landed like a meteor hit Earth. All of the wolves fall. I saw the doors and I ran towards it. The doors broke I enter the hall where Pyron was and Cassandra. «What is this?» Cassandra was in shock. I say with my evil voice «Im your worst nightmare!» «Kill her!» she orders. Pyron ran towards me but I slow down time and attack him,bit him and hurt him very bad all over his body in 5 seconds. Pyron crashed down,he turns red and looks at me. «Who...are you?» he asks. I didnt answer,instead I look at him angry. Soon he faints. «You killed my dragon! I will kill you!» Cassandra ran towartds me. I turn around and burn her to death with my shadow fire. Finally its over and I grab Pyron and take him to a forest. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. «Gah! Who are you? OUCH!» he was in pain and shock «I am sorry, I had to do this. I had to save you Pyron,and now I am paying it with my sould,as long as your safe,everyone is...» I say and turn to normal look. «Gana?!» «No...its Jane...» she says. «Wheres Gana??» «I....I...» Jane didnt know what to say. «Jane I will....I will...oh!» Pyron was afraid if had lost me. «Where could she be?» soon a very familiar voice says:
«She is here with me...hahahahaha!»