srijeda, 11. studenoga 2009.


Night. I woke up I couldnt sleep. Pyron was missing,I was very worried. Sometimes at night I feel hungry,just want to eat something. Or even someone. Yes,I am very scary sometimes. I dont know where Jane is,whats shes doing or whats happening to her. She mite be dead. Or not? I just keep asking myself the same things over and over,and I never get the right answer. Eversince I got Anakins body, I don't feel,evil,
that much. Maybe its just chilling down,I couldnt remember the last time I was furyous. I got to Angels hut. She was sleeping alone? Wheres Anakin? I start to smell. The sent leads outside the city. I have to go find him,the machines are better hunters in the dark. I got outside. The moonlight blinded me,it was a clear night sky. I look up. Gana: «Oh! Full moon.» I...fear...the full moon. I just dont like it. The sent was leading to a cave. Then sudanlly Burakis Hunter Killer and Aerostats chase me. I was runing,not towards the city,I dont wanna lead them to the others,but towards a cliff. What a fool...I was running and I look behind. HK and Aerostats were shooting at me. While I was runing,the ground beneth my feet was gone. The chilled wind was blowing,I opened my eyes and I realised: I am falling. I fell of the cliff. This time I have no wings and I am gonna be guilty for killing my soul and Anakins body,I am sorry. Gana: «Oh no! HK!» The Hunter Killer grabs me. While he grabbed me I hit the edge of the cliff with my head at high speed. I was bleeding,I passed out. The Hunter Killer put me in a cage and broth my to the enemy heatquartes,for now that is Burakis factory thats making all those robotic monsters. I woke up on a bed,chained up. I was wearing some kind of hat. I look around,on the right side there were Burakis soilder machines,they were like a metal human skeleton,and oh those red eyes. When he looks back at you thats the most terrifying thing that was created,ever. If they could kill by only looking at you,you'd be dead in a second. On my left side I saw Anakin,with my body. I tryed to call him but he was fast asleep. Sudanlly the doors open and the scientists eneter the room,alongside the stupid trator that Im gonna be happy to kill,Flame,and Buraki. That was a dragon. Machine underneeth,that had a dragons heart and blood and brains. Now I know his weak spot. Buraki: «Hahaha! Well,look who it is,yet again.Hahaha.» he was laughing becouse I am in his lab for like 10 000th time. I didnt laugh, I was getting angry,but this time I am not releasing Jane out of me. Gana: «Hahaha» I laughed sarcastic «Laugh all you want Buttfaceraki! We will see whos laughing the last,laughs the best.» Buraki: «Hmm....Bring me the injection.» I assumed he was talking to Flame,but he was busy looking at Anakin,who was still asleep. Buraki: «FLAME! NOW!» he nods and goes to the other room to get the drugs. Gana: «Nice...ok you got me now Buraki,do what you want,I will die anyways...I just dont care anymore. I was lieing to Pyron this whole time,if I stay alive I am gonna be lieing to him the rest of my life. So theres allways gonna be a burdon I have to carry. Its slavery to watch out for ur blood pressure and nerves and trying to not get very angry by each day. And I dont want that.» Buraki: «Well...why dont you just tell him the truth then?» Gana: «.....well...I choose death. Cause careing that old witchy curse is very very tiering for me now...» Buraki: «Curse? Nonono...Gana you have been given a power. Power to be 2 at once! And now you are trying to erase that? No you cant do that. Join me Gana and you and I will rule the world. Be the most powerfull dragons! I the king and you,my dear queen...what say you?» I was looking at him. Like I was thinkng. And I was thinking about how am I gonna rip him to pieces when I find a way to escape. I was now very angry,but no cool. Gana: «Wow thats an offer. But how am I gonna be your queen,in the body of a fox?» Buraki: «Its all taken care of,Flameee! Wheres that bloody drug?!?!» Flame: «Here it is,sir!» Gana: «Wha...whats that for?» Buraki: «To slow down your heart beat. When it does,you will be sleepy,and then we can switch back your souls.» Oh what a releaf. He gave me and Anakin the drug and our souls returned to our bodyes. Gana: «Finally!» Anakin: «Are we done?» Buraki: «Haha...good,now throw him in the dungeon!» Anakin: «What?! NOO! Gana!» Gana: «Shut up prisioner and enjoy your stay,I hope the bed is gonna be comfortable. Oh dont have a bed. Hahahah» we all laugh. Anakin was shocked,spechless. Flame: «Great! Gana is here on our side,shes a very powerfull dragoness sir.» Buraki: «I know,Flame.» we went to Burakis great hall. There was a big tv screen. He listed programms until he came to the lair of the witch named Cassandra. Buraki: «Now...see» he sad to me. I was looking at the screen,then I saw Pyron and a Griffinflying from the wolves. Buraki: «Now,they die.» I was shaking,I started to cry. Gana: «NOOOOOOOO!» I unleash a fury and the entire 5th floor colapses. I go to the dungeon and rescue Anakin. Anakin: «Oh my God,for a second there I thought you are being serious in joining him» Gana: «Dont be stupid.» I fly away towards Cassandras lair. Gana: «I have to stop them,before they hurt Pyron!!» Anakin: «Oh,Pyron is in danger...again?» Gana: «Yes,and he is in Cassandras lairs. I was there before.» Anakin: «Oh,she has wolves,right?» Gana: «Werewolfs,Anakin. Werewolfs.» we came to her lands. Oh how I hate that witch. I hate her so much. I hear screaming,it was Pyron. Gana: *gasp* «Oh no,please dont be bitten!» We saw them in a canyon,the werewolves surrounded them,Pyron was on the ground. Anakin: «Ok,now those are some HUGE werewolfs.» The griffin was calling for help. Werewolf 1: «Now,you traspassers will join us.» Gana: «NOOOOO!» I yell. It was late,I couldnt hide it no more cause I was furyous. It happend. I transformed into a werewolf. I thro Anakin behind that griffin. Anakin: «Gana,is...a...werewolf??» Werewolf 2: «Gana?» Werewolf 3 : «Guys,its Gana she came back!» Gana: «Grrrrrrrr! NO! I came here to rescue my friends,Paul!» Paul: «Look,its too late...I tasted his blood.» Gana: «Huh?» I look behind. Pyron was shaking,roaring. He was breathing very fast. Gana: «Oh Griffin! Take Anakin and fly above, stay out of this canyon,you cant be bitten!!» she flyes above with Anakin. I lick Pyrons wound where he was bitten,but it was useless,he transforms into a werewolf. Gana: «Oh,no! Im too late...»